Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

I wore my contacts today for no good reason and now my eyes are burning. :blink: <-- ow ow ow ow they hurt
Naw my eyes just don't like saran wrap on em, I only wear em when I'm goin out and need to look teh seks. Otherwise I rock the glasses. :nerd:
have you tried focus night & day? it let's in 6 times the oxygen, and i can feel the difference.
I might try em next.. I just got the cheapest ones since I only wear em when I'm going somewhere "special" like out to a restaurant or whatever. Glasses don't bother me none when I'm working at home or out shopping.
I like glasses on women. Makes even some of the stupid ones look smart & sexy. :P
Whaaaatttt? I wasn't talkig about anyone here. :unsure: I just get the hots fer schmahhhht women. And glasses can provide that illusion where intelligence is lacking. :P ;)
:wub: :wub: :wub: Who was that one hit wonder chick? Late 80's I think.

"You sayyyyy.....blahblahblah blahblah blaaaah blaaaaah" Hot glasses look. :P