Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:nuke: :spidey:

With my newly manifested super fire powers no one can stop meeeee!!!!

MWA HA HA HA HA :evil:
I don't care what you say Dove Captain of Ice Cream!!! I


The WORLD!!!!
*sigh* He's playing with fire again. Don't you remember what happened last time?
:lol: Oh my god y'all has anyone seen that new ad for CSI where the dude is talking about how he's a writer for the show and sometimes he has to take his work home with him.. and they show him dragging this corpse around with him, driving home with it in the passenger seat etc.. :lol: :lol: :sick:

I my favorite commercial is the one where the guy thinks he's a wolf. Or he was rasied by them?
Especially the part where he sees something on the road and he gets all excited!! :lol: :lol:
Wait are those the ads from like a year ago when the woman's narrating, talking about how great their SUV is because her husband was raised by wolves?
:lol: Yes!! That is by far the best commericall.. i dont think a commercial has evcer made me laugh so hard