Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

So the idea is to get as close to zero without getting zero? :lol:
Well the idea is to get an accurate measurement. If your average is close to zero it would mean that all the tests gave you pretty much the same results each time. If you get zero it would mean you got the exact results every time. not likely but possible. I mean people do get hit by lightning and win the lottery.

Also you're talking chemistry so it may be a little different but I don't think so. I'm usually running more of a stress/catastrophic failure test on.............stuff. ;)
I'm down the road. Hope everyone has a nice "Kill my people and steal our land" day.

:P ;)
HDR photograpy is awesome. :)

And I really should be doing homework right now. :)

Idan Raichel is my new favorite singer :peace:

Shopping on the day after Thanksgiving is a death wish :annoyed:

The End
My brother bought a new house

All was well, until they actually moved in. Apparently the previous owner didn't take away all his stuff - he just took what he needed and left all the rest there.

Food was still in the kitchen, tons of thrash was in the garage, it turns out he had a pornography room, with a matress, a cupboard filled with tapes and we found a used condom behind said cupboard...

We called the notary, the notary called him, he yelled at her, and that's that. Today we started cleaning out the house. It was intended for them to move in in januari/februari, but now that's out of the question...
Oh that reminds me, the holiday market should be up by now. :woo:
Can you get a monster headache from walking around from about 3/4 hours in windy, 30 degree weather without a hat?

It's either that or you'll find me dead in the bathroom. :blink: