Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

I'm gonna go see 300 again, cuse all my friends are too pussy to do anything tonight.
You're gonna go by yourself, all liquored up? You're hardcore man I give you that.
I wanna do something god damn it! It's no fun being drunk if there's no one around to witness my drunken wit and sharm!!
Me and my sharm are goin back to the living room to birddog some pizza and I don't mean the special kind. :woo:
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 17 2007, 08:51 PM
Me and my sharm are goin back to the living room to birddog some pizza and I don't mean the special kind. :woo:
Damn, I'm already allergic to one kind of pizza, I think it's a shame to be denied the other too. :P