Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Did she mean it like she's biased against non-Spanish speakers? Or just that she doesn't speak enough English to converse well enough?
I keep a knife and wetstone right next to the door for when they come. Tell them I don't have time to talk right then while I sharpen. Gotta sacrafice a goat. To my master. The dark one. :devil: :P

Jehovas SPRINTnesses. :lol: :lol: :lol:
no, she spoke perfect english, no accent or anything.
i guess she just prefers to speak to people in spanish.
a jehovah's witness blew me off.
it's usually the other way around.
Oops did you already link to that before? Sorry, old age, the eyes are startin to go.
Don't worry about it ;)

Taking off for spring break, see y'all in about a week!
Originally posted by givemfitz@Mar 15 2007, 10:43 PM
Hide the cat :unsure:
:lol: Not THAT Alf.

Garret you're working for an Assisted Living Facility, right? Or am I remembering wrong?
Not anymore. The AAN has nothing to do with my current job. I obviously wont be doing anything related to neurology, I'll be in their marketing, communication and digital dept.
The poor thing was traumatized, she's needed a fuckton of therapy and she STILL freaks out at the sight of Q-tips, the hell you DO to her??