Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

I meant the yuck noise ;)

Yea I do the No soup fo ryou accent really good too.. and no one still doesnt know what I'm talking about <_< Where's Tyrell?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sorry. I just find it funny when you put two subjects together. Not that it's unusual or that no one else does it......it's just funny to me when you do it. It makes me laugh. :P
Well like it wouldn't surprise if you were to say sometrhing like.......

I miss being a nun.....and orgies. Or I was studying for my french finals and it made me think of the NIN concert coming up in Mexico. :lol:
[color= #ff0066] nothing much :) purdy quiet around these parts when i finally come back! did i scare everyone off? :P [/color]
What is this shit!? Where the hell is everyone? NO ONE IS TALKING!
[color= #ff0066] hey you guyssssssss

shows were excellent~! i'm still in a glow from it all. i lurve good musics. :heart: [/color]
:woo: i saw a show last night.. the first band was great the last two were meh

and i saw Andy's twin :wub:
glockenspielglockenspielglockenspielglockenspielglockenspiel :lol: :lol: :lol: