Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:huh: I dunno :lol:

Anyway, thanks Fitz. I'm not sure if either of those are it because I couldn't find a location in Kansas.
:( Man rhonda that is my worst fear, I am so scared to get a credit report, because i think i will just snap if i find somehting on there that wasn't done by me

I'm really sorry
Thanks. What's weird is that it's only 2 charges that total like $120. You would think that if someone else was using my info that they would have like thousands charged or something. But I know for a fact that I didn't do it and my husband didn't either. I just got the card this year and rarely use it and always pay the balance. I just don't get it.
I just called the cc company and they said that it's a misc speciality retail store and that the charge was made by a manual entry meaning it could have been entered in by the store or just online.
:lol: Sex toys. Is you Bday or anniversary coming up? :lol: :lol: :lol:
:o F manual entries, like no offense to anyone.. but i do not trust those "family" onwed businesses
:lol: Nope. It sure does sound like an adult store or something with the way it's worded though.

F manual entries, like no offense to anyone.. but i do not trust those "family" onwed businesses

I know, right? I think someone just typed in the number wrong and just happened to get the correct expiration date.
Wow, well who ever that person is should enter the wrong lottery numbers on my ticket... where is this place at? :lol:

Yea Rhonde we know how pregnant women's hormones get ;)
*whispers* It's ok we wont tell
:lol: Well, most pregos say that those kinds of things changed for the worst but they just got better for me. :D
:lol: there was a joke on Sex and the City

It was when Miranda was really really wanting some and she was all worried it would hurt the baby... and Carrie says oh yea go for it, where do you think we get our nipples from.. and Miranda found that really disturbing

..and he fills it only half way and before i even argue he is looking at the window at somebody coming in..
Originally posted by Enyone@May 23 2005, 01:36 PM
:lol: there was a joke on Sex and the City

It was when Miranda was really really wanting some and she was all worried it would hurt the baby... and Carrie says oh yea go for it, where do you think we get our nipples from.. and Miranda found that really disturbing

..and he fills it only half way and before i even argue he is looking at the window at somebody coming in..
doot doot DOODOOT doot da DOODOOT

So HEEEERE's the toy convo.. HAHAH @ manual entry. How apropos. :ph34r:
Originally posted by Enyone@May 23 2005, 07:36 PM
:lol: there was a joke on Sex and the City

It was when Miranda was really really wanting some and she was all worried it would hurt the baby... and Carrie says oh yea go for it, where do you think we get our nipples from.. and Miranda found that really disturbing

..and he fills it only half way and before i even argue he is looking at the window at somebody coming in..
:( i don't get it
Originally posted by Enyone@May 23 2005, 02:40 PM
:lol: poke poke.... now that i think of it.. i think she said Dimples
That sure makes more sense. :lol:
:lol: I read that and thought *did she mean dimples??? Nah, I probably just didn't get it. *