Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Hmm verra peculiar.. and you pasted everything exactly?

edit cause never mind, I'm a dumdum that can't flip to the next page. :leela:
i have a question for anyone who wants to answer it.
say your car isn't exactly in mint condition. when you walk to your car after work, you find a flyer on your windshield. no other car has a flyer so you're curious as to what it is. when you finally see it, it's an ad for bodywork. my question to you is, would you be upset or would you laugh it off? i laughed it off.
Well if your car needs body work, it needs body work. It's not like calling your girlfriend "fat". So yeah I guess I'd laugh it off too.
that's what i'm saying, my friend got mad. it's not even her car. i say as long as it runs and can get me from point a to point b, who cares how it looks.
Yeah that's pretty much my credo. But now my piece of shit won't even run so I'm in the market for a less-shitty piece of shit.
If I see another commercial for 'girls gone wild' aka girls with low self-esteem' I'm going to shoot myself, or some one else. I haven't decided yet.
It's like every other commerical on comedy central. They have an island now, where the girls compete or something.
:blink: Lemme change my previous post to "I'm glad that I haven't seen one in years." :lol:
Hahaha they COMPETE? Smack each other around with their boobies or something?
Welllllll.............I just want to go there. And put flyers on them. Let them know I'll do their bodywork. ;) :naughty:
:eek: You're back!! Tell me, how was outer space???

So, I swear on one of those commercials is this girl I used to go to high school with.
Last I heard outer space was just fine :unsure: I've never been but it would sure be neat if I could afford to pay the Russians for a cruise. :D

What's new Rhonda? Tired of diapers yet? :sick: :p