Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:lol: :lol: :lol: I love you guys so much :wub: and that just made me cry :cry: *sniff* and my ass is numb. 18 hours + 2 dogs + 2 adults + tiny car ≠ a killer time
What the.. I thought TOMORROW was the first day of Hanukkah.. that's what my calendar says anyway.. and on the news they just said tonight is the first night, so which is it?
days start at night on the jewish calendar, so tomorrow is the first day, and tonight is the first night. :D
Well my calendar IS from the dollar store, I guess ya get what you pay for. <_<
Well so Happy Hanukkah then, everyone! :woo:

Oooh and also we just got an extra second added to the year. It's a magical day.
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 25 2005, 11:07 PM
Nope I take it back, it must be that extra second they added. It fucked up the space time continuum.
Originally posted by Donutos@Dec 25 2005, 11:09 PM
oh yeah :lol: i didn't even watch we suck so bad
Someone *cough bastard husband* told me Tampa was playing today and so I missed what turned out to be a pants-peeing overtime victory yesterday. <_<
I wanted to back in 03, but I'm lazy. This year for sure though. If they make it. If not I'm just recording the ads and the game can kiss my ass.
Yeahhh you know how he is, get some kahlua in him and he spends all night naked in the bathroom.