Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

aww, that sucks, i liked it but i know a lot of people who thought it was predictable so it may not be as good as i think it is :lol:

i think the movie that pissed me off most was saw because we were drunk and i screamed in the theater "prolly that pussy laying on the floor".... :ph34r:
Haha and then I'd grow a beard. :ph34r:

What about The Others? Did that getcha? At the seance I'm like OHHHH SNAP! That one kinda stuck with me for a few days. So did The Village, while yer bullshittin, but everyone I know hated it.
Oh crap I hope I didn't ruin nothin. :(

I love M. Knight Shyamalan, and even though I know to look for twists in his movies I never guess em right.
:lol: it's ok i probably will forget by the time i end up seeing it...which reminds me, sixth sense got me too

shyamalan's stuff is strange...i watched that documentary about him and that is some weirdo duder right there
Oh yeah Steph was tellin me about that, something like he's haunted by his dead teacher or some shit? I wanna see that.

Sixth Sense got me, The Village got me.. and although there wasn't any real twist in Signs it still freaked me the fuggout the way he just had em creeping around clicking at each other in the cornfields.
:lol: i thought signs was a little cheesy, but i do know what you mean...i felt the same way about unbreakable when sammy jackson was like 'the kids all called me mister glass', not sure why but that was some craziness for me
Never saw Unbreakable actually, and I want to so no spoilers there big guy.

Yeah maybe a little cheesy but I like Mel Gibson (or I DID anyway <_< ) and I like Joaquin Phoenix so..

OK, the big debate: The Blair Witch Project. I LURVED it, still do, still get creeped out by it when I watch it alone. AND I knew it was fake when I went to see it.
don't worry, that was not a spoiler in any way, though i cant say what i was going to about shyamalan and unbreakable :lol:

blair witch was definitely freaky, especially the end. it was so hyped up around here since it is set not far from here. there were so many people trying to make up theories for it, kinda funny
Man that's so cool, I want someone to set a movie in Florida. Nothing good is ever based in Florida, all we get in movies and shows is cornball tropical stereotypes and bad fake accents.
there have been a few movies filmed where i live including that one about some singer who died here.
Originally posted by Donutos@Dec 16 2005, 08:51 PM
:lol: i'd rather get that
Whaaa?? You want to give up the Blair Witch bitchiness?? BLASPHEMY.
:lol: :lol: :lol: if you could meet the rednecks that still think they can market the blair witch stuff you wouldn't want it either
At least your rednecks are industrious, ours just sit around drinkin beer and shooting each other over Nascar.