Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

might have been some type of reocurring joke that was only funny a couple of times. i'm not a fan of most of eddy's movies, beverly hills cop movies were good though
is that the one where he dresses like a nerdo? i have seen some of his stuff, i'm cultured like you and your 70's TV :D
Haha well yeah he plays two roles in it, best damn movie ever. Eddie Murphy was funny as shitballs back in the 80's, his newer stuff is no indication.
:lol: Oh my god I laughed so hard I think I gave myself a sty. "We're gonna sue your ass AND your balls!"
Originally posted by Donutos@Dec 12 2005, 10:12 PM
oh hell yes, southpark in the closet episode is on :D
My husband heard somewhere that when they first aired this episode that they got in trouble for it by Paramont, I think. I'm not really sure what they were upset about though.
Tom Cruise is having a mansion built up the road from me. On this shitty little two lane highway.