Occasional Horoscope


Your inquisitive nature will soon see you demanding answers to a series of questions ranging from "Huh?" to "Who the.........?" and "WTF?
Pisces beware!!!!!

The stakes will be raised Today. Raised and repeatedly plunged into your chest by frightened townspeople.
What starts as a desperate attempt to finally regain control of your life will soon end as a desperate attempt to finally regain control of your life.
You will reach for the stars this week, once again proving your complete inability to accurately judge distances.
In a tragically coincidental twist of fate, you'll be overwhelmed today by both a sense of fear and a pack of wolves.
Growing up, you always believed the house across the street belonged to an evil witch, but now that you're older, you realize that she was in fact only renting it.
The stars predict the beginning of a lifelong romance this week, which just goes to show you how wrong the stars can sometimes be.
Your willingness to die for what you believe in may seem naïve, but someone has to stand up to people who think Ray Combs was the best host of Family Feud.
You'll soon learn that, while the truth can sometimes set you free, other times it can send you to prison for murdering your parents.
I had a 17 hour day yesterday so gimmee a break. Besides......it says occasional. <_<

You believe there to be only two types of people in the world, those who dismiss your opinions as intensely ignorant and drunk Irishmen. ;)