
Originally posted by strawmyers@May 3 2006, 04:46 PM
Sooooo, you dated some high maintenance females? Why?

Because they were ridiculously hot
Yes I see, and so you're saying that Cool Chicks are repulsive uggos?

(See this is one-a them tests Garret was talkin bout. :eek:k:)
Alright... That all works. Oh and I'm not gonna test him because I know he won't pass it and I don't want to have to go through all the drama of breaking up with him because I know we'd get back together anyways. Plus, I don't like short relationships. When I get together with someone, I usually tend to stay with them for an average of 6 months at least so yeah and he's the same way. OH! I learned how to play Victor's Solo on the piano for The Corpse Bride. It's so kool! I love it! And thanks for the advice everyone.

Haha otay. I have a recital this Friday. I play alto sax and I'll be playing Sonata and a duet with my friend Marcie. I'll get my mom to record it and I'll somehow let ya'll listen to it? Haha. Maybe I can put it on my myspace somehow. I'll have to check it out, but I'll let you know if I figure something out.

Thank you! :D I get my senior ring that day too!!! Class of '07 w00t!!! <3

:lol: :lol:

<-- Class of 97. And feeling verrrrry old right now.
Don't though... I'm just a yougin'. It's not my fault my parents had sex late. =/ haha

Originally posted by dascoot@May 3 2006, 09:37 PM
:lol: :lol:

<-- Class of 97. And feeling verrrrry old right now.
We already discussed this! :annoyed: You are damn hot and thats it...sorry. Bitching already know why. :(

You're just shut it sexy pie. :kiss:
Post-secondary. I started at community college when I was 16. Well no 17 I took a some semesters off too.
Haha, well im still dumb, its not hard to get into community college. :lol: