The episode focused around Ana-Lucia's flashbacks.
It started out with Ana-Lucia trying to get "Henry Gale" to talk. He finally whispers something and Ana doesn't quite hear it. She tells him to speak louder and leans in to hear. When she gets close enough, he jumps up, catching her off her guard and starts choking her. He calls her a murderer but before he can kill her, Locke hits Henry on the head with his crutch.
Ana's flashbacks:
Ana is in the morgue with her mom. The guy that shot Ana is on the table. Ana's mom asks her where was the night before. Ana says that she was at home. Her mom is still suspicious and wants to now what she did. Ana hands over her badge and quits the LAPD.
Ana's now working at an airport. She goes on break to the airport bar. She orders a drink and the guy sitting next to her starts talking to her. The guy turns out to be Jack's dad (I'll shorten it to JD from here). JD asks her how she started working at the airport and Ana says that she quit as a cop. JD says that he's going to Sydney and needs a bodyguard.
Ana's in bed and she can't sleep. The clock on the nightstand reads 3:50am. She gets out of bed and walks by a window, where we see the Sydney skyline. She's about to make herself a drink when she hears a knock on the door. She answers the door, it's JD. He says it's time to do what he came to Australia for.
It's raining and Ana and JD are driving somewhere. JD gets out of the car and goes to a house across the street. He knocks on the door and a blonde woman answers. JD says something like "She's my daughter too!" The woman tells him to leave. Seeing that JD's about to get violent, Ana jumps out of the car and runs to get him away from the woman.
On the island:
Locke goes into the armory to talk to the now-conscious Henry. He wants to know why Henry tried to kill Ana but didn't kill him when he was trapped under the hatch door. Henry tells Locke that he was on his way to their camp to get Locke when Rousseau trapped him. They are interrupted by Jack and Kate bringing Michael into the hatch.
Ana asks Sawyer for a gun. She plans to use it on Henry.
When Michael regains consciousness, he tells Jack, Kate and Locke that the Others are barely armed and with their guns, they can get Walt back.
Jack notices the cut on Ana's forehead and asks her how she got it. She's about to say something as Locke jumps in and says that he left the water running and Ana slipped and hit her head on the counter.
Ana tries to get Sawyer to give her a gun again. She goes after the one Sawyer keeps on his waistband. They fight and then get it on. :naughty: After, she says that if he tells anyone, she'll kill him.
Hurley's trying to impress Libby. He decides that he'll take her to a surprise picnic on a different part of the beach. The picnic is no longer a surprise because Libby sees him packing food into his bag. He tells her that the location of the picnic is still a surprise. After walking around in circles, they wind up back at their beach. Hurley's disappointed and Libby tries to cheer him up by saying, "We'll have the picnic here. Let's just set up the blankets."

"You didn't bring blankets? Drinks?"
He shakes his head. She tells him to get the drinks and she'll get the blankets.
Jack goes to Sawyer and wants him to take him to the guns. Sawyer says no and reaches back to get his gun from his waistband and... it's gone.
In the hatch, Ana's lifting her pant leg and takes out Sawyer's gun from her boot. She opens the armory door and give Henry a knife so he can untie his arms. He tells her that Goodwin believed that they could change her. Ana aims the gun...
Last flashback:
Ana's at the airport, she's on line to check in. At the front of the line, Jack's arguing with the woman. He needs his father's coffin to be on the flight. Later, Ana's on the phone with her mom. She tells her that she's in Sydney and she wants to come home. She ran away because she couldn't face her mom knowing what she did. They reconcile and Ana gives her the flight number so her mom can pick her up when the plane lands.
That should cover the first 55 mintues. :lol: