Last Good Movie You Saw

Just saw Bridge to Terabithia.

It was both a huge disappointment and a nice film.

Thing is, when I saw the trailer, I was expecting some sort of fantasy film. Well, it isn't. Well, not really anyway. It's more like a sidestory.

That disappointment aside, it's really a decent very sad movie. Even I thought it was sad, and I was moping the first half of the film due to the disappointment plus I'm dead inside, so if you see the movie, there might be tears.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Apr 1 2007, 07:55 PM

What did you die of? Inside. :unsure:
Did I say that? It's, eh, just an expression :unsure:

Anyway :)

That movie taught me a life lesson.... don't trust on movie trailers <_<

Yeah I've been fooled that way more than once. <_< It's like they spend all this money making something that they later realize no one will want to see so they make a trailer about the movie that should have been. :rolleyes:
Well, it wasn't a bad movie, not at all, but the trailer just gave the wrong signals. Like the New World trailer
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 28 2007, 03:01 PM
Is it anything like Black Dahlia? I was so disappointed with that one, I expected it to be about the actual crime but the murder itself was like an incidental.
I haven't seen The Black Dahlia, so I can't comment on it. However, if it is anything like the novel, then yeah, it is like Zodiac : it is more about the people who become obsessed with solving the mystery of the murders than the murders themselves. This is actually to the film's benefit, as it allows for a denser film, and the performances are great all around. Actually, it's kinda funny because David Fincher was originally slated to direct The Black Dahlia before Brian De Palma took over the project.
Yeah, I had to read Bridge to Terabithia in elementary school. When I saw the previews, I was like, "Is this not based on the book? Cause one of the kids dies, and this looks a little too happy." *Shrugs* Stupid movie people.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Apr 2 2007, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I had to read Bridge to Terabithia in elementary school. When I saw the previews, I was like, "Is this not based on the book? Cause one of the kids dies, and this looks a little too happy." *Shrugs* Stupid movie people.
I'm glad I read the book. ;)
Just saw Children of Men and Jet Li's Fearless.

Liked em both, really, really, really
I saw Grindhouse! Wow. Frickin' awesome, guys. Both great great movies, and the fake previews are ingenius. Go see this movie. Like now. B)

Young Guns was surprisingly good. My friend gave it to me and I watched it. It stars Emilio Estavez and My Personal Hero Kiefer Sutherland. It was not really historically accurate other than using famous names like "Murphy" and "Tunstel" and "Billy the Kid" and "Lincoln County War" but it was fun to watch. Estevez was surprisingly good in this movie as well. His cander was loose and he played the "childish" factor very well. He was the most fun to watch.

It is fun and interesting to watch My Personal Hero Kiefer Sutherland in an early 1990s film before his "Jack Bauer" days. Gives you a whole new perspective on him. But this is the only movie I have seen him in except for some WWII movie with him in it. I also did not know that My Personal Hero Kiefer Sutherland was British. He plays an American so well. :(

Listen to the description of Sutherland's role in Phonebooth: "More recently he has been seen in the movie Phone Booth (2002) as a man who calls up someone at a phone booth and threatens to kill them if they hang up."
WTF!! What a waste of talent!! You call someone and then threaten to kill them if THEY HANG UP?!

I wonder what my next surprisingly good movie will be.

Cuidad de Dios (Aka: City of God) was great. I thought I was watching an actual documentary instead of a filmed movie. That is how good it was. I would recommend that anyone not afraid or turned off by violence see this movie. It is fascinating.

Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Apr 26 2007, 03:40 PM
Hot Fuzz was fucking awesome.
Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckshit! We didn't even get Hot Fuzz here. I'm driving to frickin' Birmingham this weekend to see it. *Sigh*
Alabama? When we were there on vacation they didn't get Children of Men either.
Actually, I live in Chattanooga (TN) where we get all sorts of independent films and concert specials and even opera specials in the theaters, but we didn't get Shaun of the Dead (one of my favorite movies of all time), and we're not getting Hot Fuzz. <_<
