Last Good Movie You Saw

Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Apr 28 2007, 02:56 PM
Wow thats dumb, do the people there hate the british or something?
Apparently. But we did finally get Hot Fuzz. It was really good, but I was still disappointed that a lot of the funny parts were in the previews. Best shootout scene ever though.
Originally posted by Lt.Dan@May 2 2007, 04:54 PM
aqua teen anyone??
I'm Aqua Teen obsessed, but I hafta say that I've seen episodes of the show that were way funnier than the movie. The best part of the movie was the song at the beginning. -_-
I'd say it was just as good as a episode, definitely not worth 8 bucks though. It is true the song in the beginning was sweet.

If I see you recording this movie with a camera I will come to your house and tear your wife in half!!!!! :lol:

Mastodon ftw.
300- was freakin' awesome. That's all I have to say

The Notebook- Very touching, I was surprised how much I liked it.

Superman- One of the best comic movies I've seen

Love and Basketball- I fell asleep

Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid- I think the title says it all. I watched it up until the hot asian dude died, then I flipped the channel

that's all I can think of right now
One word: Spiderman. I'm not a big fan of the Spiderman movies because I think Tobey Maguire is always such a crap actor in them (even though he's great in other movies), but this one didn't suck like the others. Kinda long though. Definitely loved the whole Shaft/Saturday Night Fever inspired scene. If you see the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about. ;)
Originally posted by thesassycynic@May 5 2007, 12:58 PM
One word: Spiderman. I'm not a big fan of the Spiderman movies because I think Tobey Maguire is always such a crap actor in them (even though he's great in other movies), but this one didn't suck like the others. Kinda long though. Definitely loved the whole Shaft/Saturday Night Fever inspired scene. If you see the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about. ;)
My roommate saw it tonight and told me not to see it.
Well, I didn't really like the first two, but kinda liked this one. So if you really liked the first two, you probably won't like this one.
I thought Spider-man 3 was the worst of the three...storywise I mean. The action and special effects was the best of the three. Overall it rates after 1 and 2 for me, but it was well worth the 10 dollars I spent on it. I rate it 6.2/10
What surprised me about Young Guns is that Tom Cruise had like a 2 second cameo in it. But he is almost unrecognizable.

Ninja out. :ph34r:
We have two, actually. They're both about 30-45 mins away from here. They even do double features sometimes for the same price. B)
We still have a drive-in, Vali Hi. I didnt really like the first 2, s-man is to whiny and emo, and i hear mary jane is still alive, there are 2 reasons for me not to see it right there.
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@May 8 2007, 12:04 AM
We still have a drive-in, Vali Hi. I didnt really like the first 2, s-man is to whiny and emo, and i hear mary jane is still alive, there are 2 reasons for me not to see it right there.
Yeah, Tobey Maguire does his worst acting as Spiderman and I loathe Kirsten Dunst. Sometimes you have to see movies you don't particularly want to see when other people are involved. Sigh. :rolleyes: