Last Good Movie You Saw

Over the weekend I watched Akira, American History X, and Fight Club on my computer. They were amazing!
I watched them with this site:
They get their stuff from sites like Dailymotion.
Tell me what you think of the site.
akira is a good movie, but it depends on which version you saw.
i just watched voices of a distant star yet again.
if you like anime or even if you don't, you should check it out just to see a movie done entirely (minus the music) by one guy, he even did the voice acting with his girlfriend doing the female part.
I just watched Battle Royale and Children of Men.
Children of Men was really good, Battle Royale was fun to watch.
What do you mean by different versions of Akira?

Seven Swords is good. Not much action or plot, but a good looking bloodthirsty chick and a "looney" General make for good fun. Plus there are no standard Hong Kong action stars like Jet li or Jackie Chan or Donnie Yen. Good wholesome Barbaric fun. Try not to be turned off by the decapitations.
Gangs of New York is the best movie so far. It is Scorsese's best movie ever. DiCaprio was "so-so", Diaz could have been left out or killed off very early in the film, but Daniel Day Lewis made the entire movie the best of all time. They should make a movie based on his character alone.
I can't wait to see his next project.

Originally posted by Space Cataz@Mar 30 2007, 04:56 PM
I just watched Battle Royale and Children of Men.
Children of Men was really good, Battle Royale was fun to watch.
What do you mean by different versions of Akira?
they have two versions of the english dub, the original that was done like in the 90's or something and the one that was done a few years ago.
you can tell if it's the original if the weird kid in the floating wheelchair thingy sounds like he smokes twelve packs a day.
No, I'm pretty sure its not Dies Irae, and who is Verdi by?
Edit: I just looked it up, it's Dies Irae by Verdi, I was mistaken when I confused Mozart's version for Verdi's.
the story is the same from both, it's just that the newer translation is closer to what is actually being said in japanese.
have you seen anything else from otomo?
No I haven't, what else is good by him?

:woo: :woo: :woo: :woo: !!!!!WOOHOO POST NUMBER 1000!!!! :woo: :woo: :woo: :woo:
steamboy, memories, roujin z, metropolis (well he did the screenplay for this one).
i guess it depends on what you liked about akira.
if you liked the story and the artwork, then you may like some of his other stuff too.
k thanks, ill have to check them out.
Givemfitz, did you know that an american version of battle royale is being made?
Nope. But I didn't know that there was an ANY version until you asked about the music.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Mar 31 2007, 01:28 PM
I didn't know that there was an ANY version
Lemme guess.. you read the book?
I..........can't read :cry:

I've just never heard of it. Don't know anything about it. :unsure:
Must be <_<

Late for work :o Gotta go. Don't have any naughty bad fun without me boys & girls. :P