Last Good Movie You Saw

300 was so fucking awesome I saw it twice. My Shakespeare professor is actually encouraging everyone in our class to go see it. (We're about to read Coriolanus.)
You betcha, sweet tits. ;) ALMOST mature enough to write 2000-word diatribes that no one reads. :)
Originally posted by dascoot+Mar 12 2007, 12:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Mar 12 2007, 12:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-Scythe@Mar 12 2007, 04:28 PM
Oh my god this is so important I'll inform the galaxy

Sorry... yea, bad one :(
:lol: :lol: The galaxy..

De veras, hablas? Cuál dialecto? Cuantos años hace que? Cómo lo aprendiste?

Do you speak any Belgian by any chance?[/b][/quote]
¿Cuál idioma de Bélgica? ;)
Ken is from Belgium, I was tryin to see if Dude was really as prolific at his languages as he claimed to be.
Well, supposedly Dude speaks French, but who knows.

BTW, who is Ken? Sorry I have to ask, but I have not been made privy to such information. :(
Oh, he's one of them Dutch ... I mean, Flemish speaking Belgians. :P Heck, I'm sure he's multilingual. You know those damn Europeans; always bragging about how worldly they are and how many languages they can speak. Well, excuse me, Tintin, for not not knowing how to speak Walloon. :rolleyes:

And the Belgians; they're the worst. The only thing they're good at is making chocolate and beer. Oh, and rolling over for an invading army. ;)
HEY HEY HEY HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! You can't say that about Ken. Picking on him for living too damn close to France is MY domain. :P

Love ya Ken. :D ;)
I am Ken. Well, Kenneth actually but I'm still trying to decide which sounds least fagotty.

Belgium has 3 official languages: Dutch, French and for a very small part German. I speak Dutch.

As for my country...

Belgium is a small meaningless country, and definitely silly, but even I must admit we are doing well in international affairs.

Belgians; they're the worst.
Well, we could always be American.

The only thing they're good at is making chocolate and beer
Those are indeed our finest points.

Oh, and rolling over for an invading army.
Our army is like a stealth plane: you don't see it anywhere but it's supposed to scare you.

However, I think it deserves far more respect for what we did in the world wars. If you look back at all the major operations, you'll find Belgian soldiers were involved in almost every one. I would also like to mention our Ardennes Offensive, where we held the Germans back for as long as we could to give the French time (and who loves the French?? I mean, the women there don't shave their armpits).

In fact, I personally knew a ww2 veteran. He got captured and escaped 3 times and just caught up with allies forces every time. He went from Belgium to Barcelona to Liverpool.

As a final statement, I would like to remind you that there are more idiots in America cuz America is bigger.
Originally posted by leone+Mar 21 2007, 10:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (leone @ Mar 21 2007, 10:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Scythe@Mar 21 2007, 03:49 PM
The only thing they're good at is making chocolate and beer
Those are indeed our finest points.
Waffles! :) [/b][/quote]
:lol: My mom made some for me just an hour ago.
Originally posted by leone@Mar 21 2007, 10:21 PM
Waffles are yum. Can your mom make me some? :)
I somehow doubt gmail accepts them as attachments. There are some left in the fridge.

And they're rediculously easy to make :lol: