Last Good Movie You Saw

:ph34r: Are you SURE my name is "Odom"??.....Are you positive??

I want you to be confident in your answers and failings.

If you think my name is "Odom"....why don't you look up or Google all the "Jeffrey Odoms" in Atlanta...or even Georgia........or even the South East and see if you can even come close to finding ME as a Jeffrey Odom.

When I said I switched the letters it does not mean that I used those letters (O. D. O. M.) But i am sure you figured it out.

I could have switched the "D" for an "R"....but i am private enough not to give you my real letters.

Good one are a Detective through and through :ph34r:
OH MY GOD I just watched that yesterday for the first time in like 15 years. :lol:
Alas, much as we would give our life itself to discover your true name, we must admit you have bested us
Originally posted by jffodom@Mar 9 2007, 06:32 PM
:ph34r: Are you SURE my name is "Odom"??.....Are you positive??

I want you to be confident in your answers and felling.

If you think my name is "Odom"....why don't you look up or Google all the "Jeffrey Odoms" in Atlanta...or even Georgia........or even the South East and see if you can even come close to finding ME as a Jeffrey Odom.

When I said I switched the letters it does not mean that I used those letters (O. D. O. M.) But i am sure you figured it out.

I could have switched the "D" for an "R"....but i am private enough not to give you my real letters.

Good on are a Detective through and through :ph34r:
Hey go ahead and google "occam's razor", k? :eek:k:
Originally posted by Scythe@Mar 9 2007, 06:33 PM
Alas, much as we would give our life itself to discover your true name, we must admit you have bested us
:lol: :lol: Yeah seriously, my infatuation with you nonwithstanding, I got some Taco Bell to go masticate.

Masticate's such a great word, it sounds dirty. I saw it on Urban Dictionary and wrote it down so I could show off for Jeff Odom. I hope it worked oooooh!!
I'm picturing you ina Jr High spelling bee. :huh: Can you use it in a sentence?

I want to watch you masticate your taco. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@Feb 16 2007, 04:07 PM
Everyone needs to go see Bridge to Terebithia. It's by far the best book adaptation I've ever seen.
i went and saw it today on a field trip with my oldest son. it surprised me.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Feb 16 2007, 07:12 PM
Ghost Rider was actually good. Really funny, which is what I was hoping for. Nicolas Cage makes me swoon. :wub:
my two little boys want me to take them to see it. is there any nudity in it or sexual content? my boys are 8 and 10.
Golden, I don't remember any nudity in that one. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's safe for an 8 and 10 year old.

Thanks for the compliment about a page ago, Melissa. Sometimes my one liners can be completely missed. ;)

And to get off the subject of "the black ninja" and his faggotry, I saw 300 tonight. It was absolutely breathtaking, marvelous, fantastic, and awesome. I didn't even like Sin City that much (except for the amazing cinematography), and this movie was really nothing like it at all. I love any historical movie, and this one didn't let me down in the least. You really MUST see it. ^_^
:ph34r: Thanks "thesassycynic" opinion about "300" justified.....not that it needed justification. :ph34r:
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 9 2007, 07:28 PM
If you get plenty, and you're a Muslim, then your little bitchfit about how I stated that you have flexible morals is pretty ridiculous innit.
It appears that your single mindedness and simpleton ways have appeared yet again.
The World is bigger than your area of Florida.

I mean, just because I "get plenty" does not mean I am not a good Muslim.
The Quran says nothing about celibacy or abstinence.

However, once again, you have given a valiant effort to prove me a bad guy. Kudos to you!

:ph34r: Continue the madness :ph34r:
I thought you were the great almighty debater who used wisdom instead of insults to prove your points? I'm curious how informing you of something about your own religion that you should already know makes me simpleminded or a simpleton.
I mean, just because I "get plenty" does not mean I am not a good Muslim.
The Quran says nothing about celibacy or abstinence.
Did I use the words "celibacy" or "abstinance"?

I believe you are unmarried, correct?

"Sex outside marriage is considered in Islam law not only as a sin but as a crime which is punished under the law in the same way as theft or murder. The punishment for it applies equally to the man and woman and is severe and deterrent in its effect." <-- Oh SNAP, even us ignernt southerners know how to Google. :eek:
Originally posted by jffodom@Mar 9 2007, 02:47 PM
...but i am too busy with a career to worry about and waste time making my post aesthetically appealing.

What is your time consuming career?

Your arrogance is rather laughable given you certainly do not come off as someone highly intelligent or mature. Are you even out of high school yet?
I also saw 300, I really enjoyed it. As for reviews saying its plot was thin, thats dumb, the movie about them fighting, there is your plot. Basically, fucking awesome.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Mar 9 2007, 09:05 PM
Golden, I don't remember any nudity in that one. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's safe for an 8 and 10 year old.

Thanks for the compliment about a page ago, Melissa. Sometimes my one liners can be completely missed. ;)

And to get off the subject of "the black ninja" and his faggotry, I saw 300 tonight. It was absolutely breathtaking, marvelous, fantastic, and awesome. I didn't even like Sin City that much (except for the amazing cinematography), and this movie was really nothing like it at all. I love any historical movie, and this one didn't let me down in the least. You really MUST see it. ^_^
thanks and hope all is going well.
Things are going very well. B)

I saw Black Snake Moan today. Freakin' awesome movie, and Justin Timberlake wasn't as bad as I thought he'd be. Definitely a must-see movie, but beware of nudity in this one. ;)
Originally posted by goldengloves88@Mar 11 2007, 07:35 PM
ko, thanks and hey, if you want a really good laugh, then go and see wild hogs...lamo.
I really wanna see that one! My parents saw it without me and none of my friends want to see it so I'm kinda SOL right now....