Last Good Movie You Saw

Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 10 2007, 05:28 PM
I believe you are unmarried, correct?

"Sex outside marriage is considered in Islam law not only as a sin but as a crime which is punished under the law in the same way as theft or murder. The punishment for it applies equally to the man and woman and is severe and deterrent in its effect." <-- Oh SNAP, even us ignernt southerners know how to Google.  :o
Assumptions can be detrimental...and I will NEVER tell you if I am married or how fine a wife can be.

And what is the deal with "oh..snap"??
That is a reaction that shows you have "showed someone up"...or"set them straight"

Since or if I am married.....that little tantrum means nothing....

LOL...."Sex outside marriage is considered in Islam......Crime....same ...theft...murder" good laughs on Adtunes. My partners and I just love it. :ph34r: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are those words from some scholar or actual suras (Chapters) and iyas (Verses) from the Quran?....The Quran is what I read....not opinions of others.
If from Quran....what chapters and verse?

NEVER MIND.....FORGET IT......I CAN READ QURAN MYSELF.....not need more discussion about it with non-muslims.
Sorry I brought up.
Originally posted by Qu'ran+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Qu'ran)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.[/b]


Fornication is a term which refers to sexual intercourse between consenting unmarried partners.[/quote]

More reading:
I could have sworn that my post said " NEVER MIND.....FORGET IT......I CAN READ QURAN MYSELF.....not need more discussion about it with non-muslims.
Sorry I brought up"

right or wrong...your translation or mine...If I am married or is a never ending subject that will undoubtedly lead to insults and accusations. I wish to be above that and remain positive.

From experiance, I have learned that discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) is pointless on Adtunes. Many thick heads and thin skins.

Just drop it....and move on. In fact, let me go and delete most of my post dealing with the subject. TOOOOOO LATE.....Can not edit.....I am cursed.

Next topic, subject.....not related to the above mentioned subjects

Thanks :ph34r:
Originally posted by jffodom@Mar 12 2007, 07:25 PM
From experiance, I have learned that discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) is pointless on Adtunes. Many thick heads and thin skins.
It's called the internet. And this may come as a shock to you, but adtunes is one of the places where opinions are widely respected. Lots of clever open-minded people here.
Originally posted by jffodom@Mar 12 2007, 01:25 PM
From experiance, I have learned that discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) is pointless on Adtunes. Many thick heads and thin skins.

You are let me rephrase my statement.

"From experiance, I have learned that NINJA Aka: jffodom discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) MYSELF is pointless on Adtunes"

Reason being that even my jokes and music opinions and movie reviews drew insults.....for no apparent reason...C'est La vie :(

Thank you :ph34r: Nothing shocks Ninja :ph34r:
The people here aren't without compassion. You've simply left an impression that at this point is going to be nearly impossible to overcome. Let me just give you an analogy.

A guy named "J" shows up at an open party. Everyone is welcome. Come one come all.

The very first thing that "J" does upon arriving is stand on the table, announce himself loudly and annoyingly, unzip his fly and piss in the punch bowl. Apparently he thinks this will be rather funny and a great ice breaker.

He refrains from this behavior rather quickly when he gets a cold reception and launches into a "hey I'm really a nice guy so please allow me to regale you with my opinions" campaign.

Sadly there is a terrible odor wherever "J" goes and it soon becomes obvious to all that not only does "J" rarely shower but he has terrible gas and apparently it is ok where he comes from to let that gas loose in a crowded room.

Even if his opinions are sometimes valid you can see where "J" might have a problem winning anyone over at this party. Especially since no one has yet forgotten the piss in the punch bowl.

The saddest thing of all is that when anyone tries to explain to "J" what the problem is he defends his behavior and his habits and launces into another campaign we'll call "No matter how many times I'm told I just don't understand why I'm being treated this way and Hey.........I'm a really nice guy".

Slowly but surely "J" just seems beyond redemption to one and all.

Please don't take this as an attack. It is a last ditch effort to try and find some common ground and get you to understand the light beneath which you have so far been perceived by everyone. I'm not sure that you can redeem yourself at this point but if you can it will only come through taking my analogy to heart and drastically curbing your behavior.

I wish you luck.
God bless
And quit being so freaking FAKE. We all know you're not married. We also know you don't "get any". Many people here don't get any, some by choice and some not so much. No one CARES man, it's not like we're gonna make fun of you for being a virgin or something.
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 12 2007, 10:00 PM
Many people here don't get any, some by choice and some not so much
And some both.

GO ME!!!

Me me me mememe me me me mememememe me meme me me memememe :woo:
To be truthful and follow givemfitz's "last ditch effort to try and find some common ground and get you to understand the light beneath which you have so far been perceived by everyone."

Which is a very commendable comment that I take no offense to or see as an attack. And am actually relieved to hear.

I am no fake person.

I am married to a beautiful Chinese woman for 2 years. She has a dark complexion and is really reserved. I am the same way, reserved. I get plenty because you know how the young couples are. ;)

I am not a virgin. However, sometimes I wish I were because of the trouble and problems that arise from sleeping with women. Such as crazy stalkers and insolent attached girls.

I am a Muslim because my Father was from Iran and was raised as such.....My mother is from Ireland. I was born in the U.S.A. and know it is my home. I have never been to Iran or Ireland.
I have blond hair and blue eyes (not your typical looking muslim). My wife is from
China's Muslim Province named Shaanxi.

I speak French, Arabic, Farsi, and English of course and a little bit of the following:
Urdu, Vietnames, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and more than a little of Spanish.

That is all for now, Thank you.

Oh my god this is so important I'll inform the galaxy

Sorry... yea, bad one :(
Originally posted by Scythe@Mar 12 2007, 04:28 PM
Oh my god this is so important I'll inform the galaxy

Sorry... yea, bad one :(
:lol: :lol: The galaxy..

De veras, hablas? Cuál dialecto? Cuantos años hace que? Cómo lo aprendiste?

Do you speak any Belgian by any chance?
También, quiero saber cuál amigo de ti está casado con la mujer china?
Originally posted by jffodom+Mar 12 2007, 01:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (jffodom @ Mar 12 2007, 01:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-jffodom@Mar 12 2007, 01:25 PM
From experiance, I have learned that discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) is pointless on Adtunes. Many thick heads and thin skins.

You are let me rephrase my statement.

"From experiance, I have learned that NINJA Aka: jffodom discussing religion, politics or anything dealing with real life (such as movie reviews or music preferances) MYSELF is pointless on Adtunes"

Reason being that even my jokes and music opinions and movie reviews drew insults.....for no apparent reason...C'est La vie :(

Thank you :ph34r: Nothing shocks Ninja :ph34r: [/b][/quote]
Life has taught me that experience is spelled with an e and that e stands for everyone loves an assclown. I have green eyes and shiny dark hair, let us molest and marry! I love you!