Last Good Movie You Saw

The Painted Veil was great. Next on the list is Stranger Than Fiction.
I'm going to buy that one for my outdated DVD collection. Edward Norton is great in everything he does. I watched Fight Club recently and he really carries that movie.
I was pretty disappointed with At World's End. I won't say anything to ruin it, but wow....there were a lot of plot holes and awkward parts....The music was fantastic though! :)

Anyone who goes to see it, STAY AFTER THE CREDITS!! I left too early and missed it, now I'll have to go see it again :(
I have.

I tried to like it, but I was disappointed for the most part. Jack's acrobatics have become silly rather than crazy
**SPOILERS* I guess...

I agree, he was actually kind of annoying this movie. What was with the peanut thing? And all the multiple Jacks was just strange. It didn't fit with the mood of the rest of the movie, it's almost as if they switched directors or something the style was so different. And why did Jack lick everything?

It wasn't a terrible movie, there were just a lot of things they should have done differently.

I'm obsessed with the soundtrack though, I don't know how many times I've listened to it now. :D
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14+May 29 2007, 05:42 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (drizzt_fan14 @ May 29 2007, 05:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I'm obsessed with the soundtrack though, I don't know how many times I've listened to it now. :D [/b]

What a coincidence, neither do I

I mean, you're right it's awesome.

The movie, I dunno, I thought the story in general was quite silly and incoherent. That said the movie was still a nice way to spend 3 hours.

Some things in particular that got me mad:

When Jack, Barbosa, Davey, Elizabeth and that other guy meet on that patch of land that just happens to be there, there's this whole spaghetti-western thing going on with terrible electric guitar music.

At that point they make a fuss about not listening to the 'king', even though Barbosa does't seem to care about that like, 2 minutes later.

Tia Dalma wtf?
I noticed that too. I don't know what Hans Zimmer was thinking when he wrote that piece for the movie, it doesn't fit at all it was like a western or something. It was strange how quickly Elizabeth took control of everything too.
They already had tons of Depp and Bloom fangirls, maybe they wanted to attract teen boys with raging hormones as well :lol:

Speaking of Depp fangirls, maybe that's why they made him lick everything
But it was disgusting and weird :unsure: Especially the brain thing. There were a lot of awkward parts like that that just left the audience feeling uncomfortable.
I thought it was fine, I wasn't expecting it to be great, I mean the second one was wasn't that good either but they both were enjoyable to watch.

Also I saw s-man 3 (for free of course), worst pile of shit movie I've ever seen. Seriously, I'm surprised there hasn't been a crazed s-man fanboy outburst yet, I don't even know that much about s-man but I know enough to know that in the comics venom was fucking awesome and one of the cooler villains and he is in the movie for like 10 mins and played Topher Grace, come on, wtf. Don't go see it.
They never make the movie as good as the comic. I was so disappointed that Gambit wasn't in the xmen movies. I guess that was a good thing though, they would have probably had some horrible actor to play the part.

I plan on seeing SM 3 in the dollar theatre :P
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@May 30 2007, 10:46 PM
They never make the movie as good as the comic. I was so disappointed that Gambit wasn't in the xmen movies. I guess that was a good thing though, they would have probably had some horrible actor to play the part.
He was :P

In the second movie, when Mystique takes the form of Yuriko and goes to that database, one of the names there is "Remy Lebeau"

I dislike the fact that both x-men and spiderman went so far from the comics, but standalone, it was better for the movies.

I once read this comic where captain america + the x-men + spiderman + tons of other people fight thanatos in the ultimate battle. In the end, most of em die and thanatos runs away from the hulk because he couldn't beat him.

The hulk movie was a disgrace btw.
I never noticed that, you must be very observant. :huh:

I usually don't like comic movies, but I thought Superman was pretty good. And even if they didn't follow the story right, the xmen movies were enjoyable.
The movie itself, I thought it wasn't very good (but surely not as bad as spiderman 3) :lol: Though I did get quite some laughs thanks to Kevin Spacey