Immediate Music and Globus in Concert! Trailer Music Live


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I thought I'd let everyone know that Immediate Music, the trailer company that makes the really epic music that I love, has decided to put on a live concert of their music, in Santa Monica, California!

Not only will Globus be there, but this time around they're having a full orchestra and choir play instrumental tracks from their Trailerhead album. The CD was better than hearing the tracks in the theater with the voiceovers, but I think a live performence would beat out any musical experience ten times. :) They're calling it "Trailer Music Live".

They have a website up for the concert which is the 27th of June:
It look awesome. I hope to go.

Oh, and while the general public has to wait to buy tickets, you can enter in the code "TML" at this link to get your tickets early: ;)
Re: Immediate & Globus in Concert! Trailer Music Live

I just wanted to point out that, if you can't make it to Trailer Music Live, Globus will be putting on another concert on June 18th in West Hollywood!

All the details are here, on their MySpace blog. You can buy tickets here.

So is anyone other than me interested or going to go to the other huge concert on June 27th? (

I suppose they could have called it Adtunes Live :D
I'll be going to TML! Unfortunately I won't have time to go to both (which btw is killing me!) but I'm very thankful even to be going to 1 trailer music concert! I can't believe it's in less than 4 weeks! I got my tickets and am ready to go!!!