How is the Weather in your Area?

*Knock Knock Knock Knock* Is this the place where the party isn't going to be?

Someone with I.D. is going to have to sign for this keg. :shifty:
*Guy at the door* Gentlemen. Nice to see you. That'll be $5 a head to cover the cost of the keg and to get another should we run out. I'm sure you understand.
Thank you. And thank you. And five from you. And five more, you're in. And you. That'll be five. Ok guys, enjoy yourselves and don't make me have to throw you out.
Layyyyydeeeeeeeees. :D Sooooo good to see the bunch of you here!!! ;) As luck would have it.....the Bettys get in free this evening. That's right. come on in. you too. :) keep coming. all of you. c'mon in. enjoy....oops wait a minute. You. Yeah that's right you. I'm afraid you're ugly. Gimme a dollar. :ph34r:
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 9 2005, 07:19 PM

*hands over my buck*
Ohhhhh no no no. I positively was not talking to you ya little hottie. ;) That one there. Is she with you? The drooling one with the baby arm growing out of her head? Wellllllllll whoever she's with she'll hafta pay the obligatory ugly chick entrance fee. <_<
We just had a big storm and I got stuck under an underpass. :ph34r:
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 10 2005, 03:02 PM
Did you get molested by a troll?
:lol: :lol: Troll sex. Usually followed by a hangover. :P ;)
MMmmmmmmmm legs :D Love 'em. Especially at the top where they make asses of themselves. ;) :D