How is the Weather in your Area?

Originally posted by dascoot@ Jun 9 2005, 07:08 PM
And I thought I was gonna die, I'm SO addicted to AC.
Ditto during the blackout in 2003.
How long was your power out for or did you have a generator?
Oh, I only lost it for about a day and a half because of my location in Michigan. I loved watching the news interupt and watch people freak out.
Originally posted by andy@Jun 9 2005, 04:44 PM
Oh, I only lost it for about a day and a half because of my location in Michigan. I loved watching the news interupt and watch people freak out.
Track 4 :P
My mom freaked out. I thought it was cool until the temperture went up.
Ok It's raining here. It's official. The end is near. <_<
Hop into your pickup and drive East as fast as you can.
But.....if I drive east......toward sunrise......won't the end come that much sooner? :unsure:
:lol: I gotta get me some pontoons for Beulla Mae!!! :lol: :lol:
Noooooooooooooooo :whistle:

*fills the basement with the colored plastic balls you can find at your local burger king*