
Did he pronounce "acceptable" as it should be, or did he just slur to sound as if he was saying it?
Originally posted by andy@Sep 2 2005, 10:47 AM
His stupidity is, apparently, spreading throughout the country...
you know opinions are like assholes.

So back that up with some facts there Colonel Jackson....

I can define it a single sentence

"We are warped from the truth that media has pulled over our eyes."

Take some pride in your country, would ya!

I work for the government, and if any of ya'll knew exactly how complicated everything is, like even buying a pencil, or a post it note, or even taking a bathroom break, then maybe you might be a little more supportive of every President.

Oh no, I believe CNN, they tell me everything, and it is all true. Oh Fox would not warp anything.

It is the media folks, open your eyes. I see it every day, the truth is so far warped from reality. Reality is the government paid $14.00 for a single screw in the bathroom, why, because of laws and regulations that we the people have isolated the government into by having to purchase from x number of minority owned companies, and this bid process and that bid process. We have to bid out a box of pencils, and at least 3 of the 5 bidders have to minority owned, but that is not news worthy now is it...., and we have to work 3 times as hard to do a simple task, like going to the bathroom, literally, due to the fact that everything we do is public knowledge, and you are scrutenized because it took you 16 mintues to take a dump on your 15 minute union break.

That type of statement hacks me off beyond belief, come work with me for a week, and your tune will change when you really see what democracy is all about and how it works from the inside. You will gain more respect for every President then you can imagine.

Sorry Andy but that kind of immuturity without any form of support is just that, meaningless. Get involved then, and make a difference
He does get involved, and he does make a difference. Pride doesn't mean just accepting things the way they are, dude.

If we're not allowed to get pissed off at a President - or any politian - for his actions, then you're not allowed to get pissed off at us because we don't like him. If we're supposed to just respect and support him no matter what, then that means you gotta just smile and nod your head in agreement with everything everyone else says. Which is ridiculous.

Diversity is what makes us great.

And by the way, yeah we know the media is a big part of the problem. Remember how y'all are always saying that the media never covers the good things coming out of this war, only the small percentage of bombings and resistance? Yeah, same thing with Katrina.
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 6 2005, 04:43 PM
He does get involved, and he does make a difference. Pride doesn't mean just accepting things the way they are, dude.

If we're not allowed to get pissed off at a President - or any politian - for his actions, then you're not allowed to get pissed off at us because we don't like him. If we're supposed to just respect and support him no matter what, then that means you gotta just smile and nod your head in agreement with everything everyone else says. Which is ridiculous.

Diversity is what makes us great.

And by the way, yeah we know the media is a big part of the problem. Remember how y'all are always saying that the media never covers the good things coming out of this war, only the small percentage of bombings and resistance? Yeah, same thing with Katrina.
Finally an intelligent remark, thank you.
As I told you before, you are the best too. Thanks.

I am always the devils advocate, so it is never personal with me.

I loved your comments by the way.

Major premise,
Minor Premise
Logical gap
Inductive reasoning

Very good....
I happen to be an extremely involved person... <_<
Originally posted by ravyn+Sep 6 2005, 07:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ravyn @ Sep 6 2005, 07:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-andy@Sep 2 2005, 10:47 AM
His stupidity is, apparently, spreading throughout the country...
you know opinions are like assholes.

So back that up with some facts there Colonel Jackson....

I can define it a single sentence

"We are warped from the truth that media has pulled over our eyes."

Take some pride in your country, would ya!

I work for the government, and if any of ya'll knew exactly how complicated everything is, like even buying a pencil, or a post it note, or even taking a bathroom break, then maybe you might be a little more supportive of every President.

Oh no, I believe CNN, they tell me everything, and it is all true. Oh Fox would not warp anything.

It is the media folks, open your eyes. I see it every day, the truth is so far warped from reality. Reality is the government paid $14.00 for a single screw in the bathroom, why, because of laws and regulations that we the people have isolated the government into by having to purchase from x number of minority owned companies, and this bid process and that bid process. We have to bid out a box of pencils, and at least 3 of the 5 bidders have to minority owned, but that is not news worthy now is it...., and we have to work 3 times as hard to do a simple task, like going to the bathroom, literally, due to the fact that everything we do is public knowledge, and you are scrutenized because it took you 16 mintues to take a dump on your 15 minute union break.

That type of statement hacks me off beyond belief, come work with me for a week, and your tune will change when you really see what democracy is all about and how it works from the inside. You will gain more respect for every President then you can imagine.

Sorry Andy but that kind of immuturity without any form of support is just that, meaningless. Get involved then, and make a difference [/b][/quote]
Thanks for those comments. Very true.

Curious, how are you so involved? No offense from what I've seen, a protest and masturbate for peace link? Wooo.. what else?
Originally posted by Enyone@Sep 9 2005, 11:01 AM

Curious, how are you so involved? No offense from what I've seen, a protest and masturbate for peace link? Wooo.. what else?

I happen to be very active within the school, and I am a member of the Livingston County Young Democrats.

Sorry if that isn't enough activism for you. I'll try harder now. :)
Originally posted by andy+Sep 9 2005, 11:47 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (andy @ Sep 9 2005, 11:47 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Enyone@Sep 9 2005, 11:01 AM

Curious, how are you so involved? No offense from what I've seen, a protest and masturbate for peace link? Wooo.. what else?

I happen to be very active within the school, and I am a member of the Livingston County Young Democrats.

Sorry if that isn't enough activism for you. I'll try harder now. :) [/b][/quote]
I new you were a democrat based on your posts and political opinions before you ever mentioned it.

Nobody is slanting you for a polical associatoin. Glad you are involved. I respect you for that.

My point was to you before, try to move beyond political and party limitations and the media and get to meat of what is really going on, not what a politcal party or the media trys to turn your thoughts/support to or sheds light on.

Example 13% of Americans blame the White House for New Orleans right now. The reality, there are laws, processes and procedures that government is bound by, one of them state and local government did not relinquish control in time to FEMA. FEMA can not step in until they are allowed, and even then can only do so much based on these laws we all voted and passed.

Hence supply logical gap after your premise was all I was getting to.

That is all I was attempting to say when I started this big argument with everyone. My apologies to all, not trying to make ya'll mad, just prefer the TRUTH, always.

Here is what I am talking about. An article that actually almost just presents the facts, no opinions, and discusses what I stated above. I work under FEMA often, actually every disaster, and we have this huge book we flip through every time, step by step we have to follow it page by page everytime. Oh and when we get to go directly to Jail, do not pass go, we can not do anything until those conditions are met.

The Whitehouse's hands were tied, until State and Local government relinquished control, opinion that however you want, I do this daily.

But no offense to your party (I dont have one by the way), all the Democrats are hollering., and President Bush is doing nothing, Right? Except spreading his stupidity across the land?

"Hurricane Katrina has been a low point in Bush's presidency, with his job approval dipping to a record 39 percent in an Associated Press-Ipsos poll last week. Just over half of respondents said he is at fault for the slow response to the hurricane" Kills me!

If a Democrat President was in office, I am sure everything would be different, right?

The lack of preparation and a good plan was on New Orleans part, not the Whitehouse. I bet they will get one now.

I am not a Republican either, I vote for the man, not the party.

Opinions are like ass holes Andy, everyone has one, and no one likes em.

A fairly un-biased story to back up my statements and provide logical gap and conclusion to my statements by the way... Exactly what I have been trying to talk about.
