hal's introduction

Originally posted by hal 9000@Mar 22 2006, 06:16 PM
then again, i must admit that we men ALMOST always deserve it
This guy gets it. :eek:k:

Yeah it's more of a social worker sorta deal, I'm one of those damn crazy hippie types that regards the "miracles" of modern medicine with a dose of cynicism so I don't think I'd do good at med school.
I was referring to an old SNL skit. (haha I typed shit and had to correct it.)
:lol: *clapping hands* some get's it. Why do I feel the need for a cigarette? haha
hmm... <_< I never thought about that...so we should rename it...

flat bread?
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 22 2006, 06:06 PM
Rhonda I'm gonna call you at work and tell you what a fantastic job you do because you need to hear it.
And I'm gonna make some :naughty: comments 'cause you really need to hear it. ;) :p
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Mar 22 2006, 06:33 PM
:eek: OMG we need a Jack Handy thread!!
I bet if you were in some old west gang and you were dragging a guy along the ground with your horse, it'd probably make you really mad to look back and see him reading a magazine.
Oooh I :heart: Jack Handey

We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town.
Folks still remember the day Bob Riley came bouncing down that dirt road in his pickup. Pretty soon it was bouncing higher and higher. The tire popped, and the shocks broke, but that truck kept on bouncing. Some say it bounced clear over the moon, but whoever says that is a goddamn liar.
Have you ever seen a child on his way to school have a car drive past and splash him, and then he just stands there and thinks if he should just go to school or go home and change and be late.. and then I drove past and splashed him again.
When you're going up the stairs and you take a step, kick the other leg up high behind you to keep people from following too close.
Next Thanksgiving, here's a fun trick to play: When the mashed potatoes and turkey are being served, take some of both, but hide your turkey under your mashed potatoes. When your family asks, "Don't you want some turkey?" pull the turkey out from under the mashed potatoes and yell "I tricked you!!"
anybody on still- er, and looking to kill about a half-hour?
I'm supposed to be up in 5 1/2 hours for my first day of work, but I'm used to staying up til 8 am, I ain't even fuckin tired.