Counter Strike


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hi everyone

Im a counter-strike movie maker, im sure you all heard/played the game.

I m from creative-movies & if u see cstrike movies u must have seen Project 9 , matrix renaissance trailer & matrix renaissance movie made by us ( ) be sure to check

well i need good song for my movies :)

and that has to be fast/good :) .. i will be very pleased if u all suggest me the songs

What type of music are you looking for? Cause I have a bunch of high energy rave stuff I could suggest. Or some good industrial. I love these movies, they're always so much fun to watch.. especially the ones with me in them pwning the crap out of the nubs with my duelies. :P
lol :lol:

well i need anything good but fast , i dont like songs of foo fighters, sum41, offsprings, etc , so dont suggest me songs like them :)

i have every linkin park's songs, i have all prodigy's songs , i have most of the rob zombie's songs , i have few Drowning pool's songs, etc

u can suggest any good song which u think will suit in a cstrike movie :)

and as u see cs movies u must be knowing that we need to have those adrenaline pumps while watching .. so pls suggest those kinda songs :P

thanks :D
anyone saw the AaA clan video for the start there is this music right aftet the james bond theme....if anyone can help me HELP ME...i don't have the link though

"Rhapsody - lux triumphans"

its a cool choral/battle track

And michelle this questions belongs in Video game soundtracks, so u can delete the thread he made in VG trailer music.
it's not that the end it said its a song from hypnose OST
Here is the tracklisting

James bond theme
Rhapsody - Lux triumphans
daft punk - aerodynamic
Freedom Call - Warriors
(and there is also a nightwish song.. but i dont remember correctly)

Unfortuneatly i deleted the video long time back so i dont remember all the songs, but if u want i can ask the creator of the video, i know him.
the song is between the james bond theme and the song you just gave me and your last reply.
The song after james bond theme is
"Empty Couch" by James Newton Howard its on the Stir of Echoes score

U can listen to the samples on the link above
I've been looking for another song from the same video.
There is the James Bond theme, then, as the logo is shown, something that sounds like piano and probably is Empty Couch.
And THEN, as the titles are shown, comes the song in question. The one straight before Lux Triumphans.