Celebrity voice-overs in commercials

Somebody at another message board was able to confirm for me that Martin Mull is the voice on the Ziploc commercials. I'm so glad to finally know. :)

I've been hearing Patrick Dempsey on another commercial, but I didn't bother to take note of which one.

I love that this thread is still alive. B)
Hi! I'm so glad this forum exists: as someone posted above, I'm obsessed with the topic to the point that I am actually listening to commercials!

Here are a few voiceovers I've spotted recently:

John Corbett for Applebees
Campbell Scott for Chevron
Marlo Thomas for Liberty Mutual

Does anyone know who voices Nissan? I know this voice and it's maddening.
Patrick Dempsey now voices for State Farm Insurance.

He also voices for Mazda, he drives for them in European auto racing.
Someone posted that James Spader is the voice in Ford ads but I'm sure he's doing voiceover work for Acura. This is confirmed at IMDB. Working for Ford as well would be a conflict right? :huh:
Originally posted by fatboy@Mar 26 2008, 07:58 PM
Someone posted that James Spader is the voice in Ford ads but I'm sure he's doing voiceover work for Acura. This is confirmed at IMDB. Working for Ford as well would be a conflict right? :huh:
Clearly it's not a conflict for him.
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM
Gene Hackman for Lowe's and others....

Clooney... and Edward Norton can't be confirmed but I know it's true. I just do. :ph34r:

James Earl Jones I'm not even going to list them... :rolleyes:

Gary Sinise for Cadillac

James Spader for Acura


Richard Dreyfuss for Honda and others

Dylan McDermott for Toyota Camry

Alec Baldwin for Subaru and others

Jeff Bridges for Duracell and Ameriquest

Randy Quaid for KFC but not for Capital One.... :unsure:

Julia Roberts for AOL

Jake Weber for SAAB USA

Kevin Spacey for Honda

Stockard Channing for AIG....

Kiefer Sutherland

Allison Janney for Kaiser Permanente

Matt Dillon for Pontiac

Will Arnett for lots of stuff

Susan Sarandon for Stouffer's and other things...

John Krasinski for Ask.com

Patrick Stewart for Mastercard and other things

Christian Slater for Panasonic

Martin Sheen for Toyota and others..

Kelsey Grammer for Disneyworld and MANY others

Charlie Murphy for Boost Mobile

John Goodman for LOTS OF STUFF....

Morgan Freeman for McDonald's and St. Jude's Hospital

Angie Harmon for Purina

Jason Alexander for KFC and others

Diedrich Bader for JCPenney and others

David Deluise

Rob Paulsen for Honda as Mr. Opportunity

David Duchovny

Zach Braff as the Cottonelle puppy

Christine Lahti for Oil of Olay and Delta Airlines

Regina King for Always

Billy Crudup for Mastercard

Nic Harcourt for Land Rover

Lili Taylor (from Six Feet Under) for Tylenol

Sam Elliott....

WINNER - Gilbert Gottfried as the AFLAC duck and others.... :D

Ed Harris for Toyota Camry and Mercury

Mario Cantone for Sunsilk

Some that I couldn't verify via imdb.com...Harrison Ford, Michael Dorn, Richard Thomas, Matthew Broderick, Jonathon Adams, Fred Stoller, David Hyde Pierce, Gene Wilder, Josh Duhamel, Courtney B. Vance, Kelly Ripa, Naomi Watts, Jodie Foster, Kathleen Turner, Patricia Clarkson, Billy Bob Thornton, Kathryn Erbe, Jeremy Sisto, John Cusack, Adam Arkin...that's it.
I'll keep adding as I find them. :)
:eek: ;)
Lauren Graham for American Express Plumcard

Marisol Nichols is appearing in ads for Bally Total Fitness.
Here's a few I've collected over the past year or so:

Patrick Warburton - Carrier A/C

Queen Latifah - Pizza Hut

Martin Mull - Zip-Loc

William Peterson - Cingular/AT&T

Patricia Clarkson - BMW

Donald Sutherland - Florida orange juice

Rosanna Arquette - AIG insurance

Angie Harmon - Coke & Nutragena

Brent Spiner - Oral B

Jeffrey Tambor - Planters Nuts

Wendy Malick - Marshalls

Lauren Hutton - Dyson

DiDi Conn - Sprint

John Kusack - Sprint

Wanda Sikes - Applebees

John Corbett - Applebees
And nobody picked up on Sally Kellerman (M*A*S*H, Back To School) does the Milky Way vending machine commercial
Sally has that distinctive throaty voice....
Gary Sinise for the Army.
Also, I hear Ann Curry everywhere! Maybe it's just a bad dream. What commercials does she do?
Originally posted by KannD86@Mar 26 2007, 07:16 PM
Here's one I need you guys' help with. It's commercial for T-Mobile. They're at a wedding. One girl says to the other "do you know who's on your boyfriend's 5" and the girl says no, the other one says "well there's an old cougar chatting him up over there". She says that's his mother and the other one says "oh... she's affectionate." Both girls look familiar, but I'm sure the redhead is from something else. She looks like a cross between Merideth Monroe and Alicia Witt. The way she delivers the last line makes me think I've seen her in a comedy. Anyone recognize her?
I know this response is way late to the question (and you might've already found it elsewhere) -- but the redhead who was in that T-Mobile commercial is Felicia Day.

Also, to answer another older one
The guy "in the middle" on the Wendy's commercial is someone. I'm determined to figure it out.
That'd be Tom Lenk. :)

And, while I'm mentioning Buffy alum -- I would swear I've heard Sarah Michelle Gellar's voice on commercials for Quaker Snack Bars, but I'm not 100% positive.
Donald Sutherland - Volvo
Tom Selleck - Florida Orange Juice
Patrick Dempsey - Mazda
Stanley Tucci - AT & T Wireless
Gene Hackman - Lowe's / Franklin Templeton Investments
Richard Thomas - Mercedes-Benz
actually, I meant to say
Oppenheimer Investments that Gene Hackman is doing.
Liev Schreiber does voice overs for Infiniti. I recognized him after watching Secrets of the Dead. Also, Maurice LaMarche (voice of Brain from Pinky and the Brain) does American Airlines and his co-star on Futurama Billy West does the Honey Nut Cherrios Bee.
Does anyone know the name of the woman who does the mini 1-min. commercials; i.e., quick recipes, helpful hints, etc. for HGTV and Food Network. She also does promos for Animal Planet.