Adtunes Word Association

:lol: or how bout, "hey do u guys have msn?"

Good old chatroom days :)
People say that on Online video games. :lol:

I remember people asking that on Halo. :ph34r: (shiver.. shiver)
Yeah I always see that in the main chat in any Yahoo game.
Plus ever notice how EVERYONE in the chat rooms are teh hawt? But they're really grody old perverts?
Ok, I know I'm going to sound like an idiot asking this but whatever. What the hell is teh? :huh:

Thanks! :lol:
"the" misspelled

:lol: I use to wonder what it meant too.

edit: i misspelled the word misspell.
That's what I thought but you never know with kids these days.

*grabs walker and hobbles off to watch Golden Girls*
