Who Are You?

lol i don't think he actually referred to you as the mother of god
Okay, hubby and me at a friends graduation party. (pre-prego of course) I'll have to get one of me when I'm like 8 months so you all can see me all big. :p And to update the directory, Rhonda, 25 Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Thanks. Bebe's good. Gets bigger all the time. I swear I woke up one day and nothing fit. It was weird cause my belly showed up overnight one night. I don't mind it though. Its all pretty amazing really.
If you love him, he'll tell you. In fact he'll tell you BOTH his answers cause he gots two.
I can't let Andy down, i love him, but Scythe you're cool, so tell me the answer pppppppppppllllllllllleeeeeeease