Who Are You?

That's a good one too, thanks. :)

Hahah!! The chick from Amelie is gonna be in the Da Vinci Code movie! Oh wait, didn't Ravi say that a few weeks ago?
I just finally figured out what shay shoo means. :rolleyes: :p I played the retarded quarterback on that show but I'm not REALLY retarded. Not like that Corky kid. :p
:lol: I love that flick.

Yeah "shay shoo" is how my nephew says it, and since my vocabulary is always influenced by the babies in my life I added it cause it's cute. ;)
How cute. My husbands little brother used to say the cutest things. We have this friend named Jodi (but he's a guy. Isn't that cool? Anyway...) when his little brother was younger he just could not say Jodi's name. He would say e-dah.
some lady came in for a pedi and she brought her son with a dvd player and everything. It was cute but annoying, but I will admitt he was the most behaved child i have ever met in my life. But I'm still adopting
I thought you were talking about my 10 year old brother in law until you said that he was behaved. :lol:

Don't know why. But I bet you're all fucking hot, so no worries...
It's just nice to place a face with a name. Besides.. all y'all are beautiful where it counts, except for Blurg, he's just plain concentrated evil.
Roger?! Blaaaaaaa, it should have a manly name, not a wonderful day in the neighboorhood name