What are you watching right now?

Originally posted by Caren H@Mar 21 2006, 12:30 AM
50 First Date on DVD.[/color]
I :heart: this movie. It's set in Hawaii. I :heart: Hawaii. Love the (original) music, not the crappy covers they put on this soundtrack. I actually bought this soundtrack only to be disappointed in the cover versions...
I downloaded 311 - Amber and Adam Sandler - Forgetful Lucy from the OST.
The scene in Cocoon where the women are all sitting around twitterpated after their men went swimming in the pool. :naughty:
Never scene that movie. Perv... <_<

watchin my twin practice puttin' a pamper on a my teddy bear. :huh:
I would be watching anime but theres no ep this week for the anime I watch.... :angry:
Originally posted by Caren H@Mar 22 2006, 04:59 PM
Never scene that movie. Perv... <_<

watchin my twin practice puttin' a pamper on a my teddy bear. :huh:
Practice? Is someone expecting?
They're great as long as you can give em back to Mama when they stink or make loud noises.
I'm sure that he is...I still don't like kids :p <_<...glad I was never one...
We are watching NCAA basketball? Gonzaga vs. UCLA I think, I can only hear from here. <_<
They lost. Next. The Office, Dwight gets to pick the new employee health plan and Michael has a surprise! :lol: