VW Volkswagon commercials

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I don't remember much about this commercial, just that it ended with a shot of three cars against a white backdrop. It's been playing recently on TV. Does anyone know what the song in it is? If I see it again I'll pay more attention so as to provide more details.
I only caught the end of this commercial yesterday and liked the song as well. Today I saw the full commercial. There is a man standing on the corner of the street holding a cardboard sign that reads "The End is Near". Then a guy drives by in a VW and says to the man "There are 3 VW's under $17,000". Then the man throws the cardboard sign into the trash and the commercial goes to the shot with the three cars and white background. I'll keep looking for the song!
Yep, that's the commercial. I looked on VW's site, where they have a bunch of commercials, but that wasn't one of them.
No, if I remember correctly it was just acoustic guitar. If I had caught any lyrics I would have just googled it.
I searched youtube, how could I have missed that? Thanks though. Now we just need to figure out what song it is.
Anyone know the name of the one titled "poet". At the very end of the commercial. only thing I can make out is "alright".
I just saw this commercial and would like to know what the song is. Anybody have any luck?
it's a song, no lyrics. some guy during the commercial say something like...3 new vw's for under 17000. anyone know?
bump. god i want this song so much. what does original composition mean? that means it's unavailable? we can't get it?
the song from the commerical where the guy is doing a poetry reading...at the end he says "hope springs" and then you hear a male voice singing but no words...anyone know if thats from a song or just done for the commercial??
Originally posted by bangaboo@Mar 31 2007, 04:07 PM
bump. god i want this song so much. what does original composition mean? that means it's unavailable? we can't get it?
It means they made the song just for the commercial so no, it woun't be available. You might try sking the ad agency for the name of the performer. They could have a web site and may send you the song if you ask. I heard a song in a movie once and found the composer. He had the song available for free on his web site.