Type your anger out

Originally posted by leone@Jun 2 2006, 12:18 PM
I think it's part of something else. If you look at the blue sign above his head, it says "Restricted Area (some word I can't make out) Personal Only" backwards. :nerd:
"Authorized Personnel Only". I obsessed over it til I figured it out then went :duh:. :lol:
Originally posted by Ballz Mahoney@Jun 4 2006, 02:19 PM
you should get a 360 it is cheaper and the graphics are better especially if you have HDTV
Haha, looks like we've got a Xbox fanboy on our hands. :lol: You cant really judge the graphics of the PS3 because it hasnt been released yet, developers are just recieving the final dev kits now. All of the stuff at E3 was like a few weeks of work and were far from polished. Plus, right now the Wii looks like the best console for your money.
woo a new super smash bros for 2007 with new characters wooo!


yes, i'm very excited. and metroid corruption is going to hotttt. practicing my snipher piping skills right now. pshewww pshewwww
I'm kinda digging zero suit samus :naughty: but meta knight would be fun. i was a kirby chiiild B)

from what i read the wii's coming out this august and is going to be under $250.
hope hope hope hope