Just got it confermed by DJ Woodo that it was "Gone Gone Gone" by Spice
o...yeah...now i know which one...
Am 26.09.2005 um 21:07 schrieb Marc Held:
> I foubd out what song I was talking about. It was Gone
> Gone Gone by Spice. It was used in one of your
> mixes...
> Thanks,
> Marc
> --- "Phil. Woodtli" <woodo@woodo.dj> wrote:
>> 4 answers and one big thank you:
>>> 1) will you be doing any tours around the US
>> anytime soon?
>> i hope so...i know there might be 2 events bringing
>> me back to the
>> states...hopefully...
>>> 2) will you answer the following question?
>> if i can...i will....
>>> 3) who is the man who sings the songs that are
>> somewhat like:I thought
>>> that it was ok then
>>> but when you got away again
>>> It only made me sad so sad that
>>> I broke down and cried
>> honestly i have no clue which song you mean...
>>> and one comment, I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!!!
>> thanks a lot...hope you will enjoy the future
>> projects im doing...
>> peace
>> woodo
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