Things YOU have made

Speaking of your birthday, I think taht's when you'll recieve my belated christmas present. :ph34r: It'll be like two birfday presents! :leela:
Hahaha on my NEXT birthday? Hot damn, something to make it til the end of the year for! :woo:
If I get my shit together, you'll get it by the summer. ;)

I'm a lazy beetch. :)
I have made new friends while cussing and discussing the search function in the Site Feedback Forum. B)
I think it's the dungeon. No lotion; I always pack a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for subterranean gatherings.
We're not prisoners. :p We like it down here.

Now rub the sandwich
on your skin
or you'll get
the hose again!!!! :annoyed:

Originally posted by dascoot@Feb 22 2007, 05:16 AM
Oh my god that stained glass is gorgeous!

I wanna make a journal too. Steph made me one for my birthday last year and I don't wanna ruin it by writing in it. :lol:
Thanks. Why don't you put some photos in the journal instead? That's what I did with the first one I made.
Here's a little video I made of my car. I was kinda proud of it, first time i ever video edited.

You guys will appreciate a certain cliche song use. ;)
I used to have a car like that. It got stolen. Buy a Club. Like the video. :wub:
Originally posted by rjay8604@Feb 27 2007, 03:11 AM
Here's a little video I made of my car. I was kinda proud of it, first time i ever video edited.

You guys will appreciate a certain cliche song use. ;)
:lol: I knew before I even clicked that it was gonna be O Fortuna.

Nice arms. :naughty: I love watching dudes drive stick.
Ok so I'm working on my portfolio site, cuse I'm finally looking for a real fucking job, here it is. The graphic section should be up sometime soon, everything is kinda working, still a few bugs. Tell me what ya think!

Oh and it works the best in Firefox obviously, works fine in IE but no one should use internet explorer anyways and in opera its a little weird.

Safari? Shut up anthony.
I don't remember if I showed you guys that one. So it crashed your browser? Cuse of the gifs I'm guessing. Damnit.
Yeah, it was when I tried to view them individually. But then I'm on IE so that might make the difference.