Things YOU have made

that's so cool staci! you bound it and everything? that must have taken forever to get all the pages just right. you should really charge a bit more. also you could sell it on Etsy. Everything there is handmade. That's where I bought Charlie's rabbit, George :)
Originally posted by a_iver@May 30 2008, 06:53 PM
that's so cool staci! you bound it and everything? that must have taken forever to get all the pages just right. you should really charge a bit more. also you could sell it on Etsy. Everything there is handmade. That's where I bought Charlie's rabbit, George :)
I doesn't take me very long to make, but it is hard to find good leather. Thanks for the site, I'll have to check it out.

What happened to your avatar? :huh:
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@May 31 2008, 05:56 PM
Holy crap! You are like 2 hours from me!
That's really cool btw!

And George is adorable! :)
Cool, you should visit sometime! :woo:
Good looking kid you made there ;)

Btw, just added some new shiz to my site, check it. B)
His hair was kind of wet in that picture so it looks a lot darker. It did however, darken some. In some of his pictures, his hair looks really red. It's weird how that works.

Garrett, you have some great pics!! The car out in the middle of nowhere ones are very creative and almost tell a story. And I don't know why, but that banana plantation one I find very neat!
The story behind the car one isn't as nice as the photo. We were up north visiting one of our friends and of course we drank, too much. So we were stopped because the kid crouching was puking up gatorade, he puked all night, we think he got alcohol poisoning or something cuz the kid was sick for days and he really didn't drink that much. But I got a cool pic out of it, so its all good. :D
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jun 4 2008, 09:01 PM
New pics!!


OMG!!! So ADORABLE!! Jesus chick you and the mans must be sexy as hell! Good luck keepin the girls away from him hun.

Nice updates G. I especially love the eye vector.
Originally posted by Caren H@Jun 20 2008, 12:55 AM
Nice work. I hate pottery. :lol: don't have the patients for it.
Haha, thanks.

I get very impatient when it comes to throwing things. Handbuild stuff like that ^^^ isn't bad. But I get so aggrivated with throwing pots I end up smashing them or they fling off the wheel into the wall. :blink:
I made a poem!!


"Roses are red
violets are blue
I am a schizophrenic
and so am I"
