Things YOU have made

Originally posted by sketchyrx@May 19 2006, 12:10 AM
And why did you choose her? Why not make a similar piece to Fulminate? Kinda make a trio...i'd buy them all. I would. :wub:
Yes, triptych of Fulminate. I think the ones with the girl are pretty but she's distracting and the colors are not the same. They seem to be muted..but it's all good. :)
I get it...but the other one knocks my socks off! The others just roll them down halfway. :wub: :wub: I still heart them...
It's that look of pure animalistic lust in Jean-Claude's eyes. :blush:
Purdy. :)

"Easier to make"? I wouldn't even know where to start. :lol: