Things YOU have made's true. i don't know if i've ever met anyone who didn't like a kind of noodle...
Everyone :heart:s noodles! I don't know how those anti-carb people do it.
me neither...i think i get cranky once my noodle/rice/bread intake starts to get low.
Originally posted by AmelieMellow@May 28 2006, 10:11 PM
ooh melissa, that looks beautiful...i want one...

bloodlessr, i like the warmth and the movement in that one.

i'll participate are some doodles:

one saturday night

a robot's luff for pasta

run/fly mad as often as you choose, but do not faint.
Woo! Doodles and noodles :)
I like the colors of your town. Is it colored pencil or something else?

Nice curly brackets too. It seems so simple but whenever I make curly brackets I almost always junk em up. Stoopid pencil!! :angry:
Originally posted by AmelieMellow@May 28 2006, 10:44 PM
me neither...i think i get cranky once my noodle/rice/bread intake starts to get low.
:( Not anti-carb by choice. At least I can still have rice. :heart: 's my rice.

We had people over this weekend and grilled hot dogs and a friend of mine bought me some gluten-free tapioca hotdog buns. They were kind of dry but overall not that bad.
ooh thanks all youse guys.

leone: word. me too~!

eyever: i just used pen and ink with some marker and colored pencils. and then a red sharpie because i couldn't find my red marker.

caren h: thanks~! you're cupcake sweet.

melish: yesh i have those files...thanks :) i hope you are getting my lunchtime messages~!

rhonda: aww are you allergic to wheat? i have a coworker who is allergic to wheat, so on free lunch fridays, he's sad since we have a lot of sandwiches, pizza, and pasta and all that good stuff. i think he makes gluten-free brownies so all is not lost~!
:lol: @ at having to answer so many people.

Yeah, mine is called Celiac. I wonder if that is what he has as well. It stinks because I can no longer have my beer. :( There are 2 beers in the US that are ok but we have strict liquor laws and cannot get them here. I have someone at the liquor store researching it but she said that she believes that the reason is because they have to be shipped and sold cold and we have this stupid law saying that they cannot even be brought into this state cold and cannot be sold cold if it is over 3.2 percent alcohol. Isn't that crazy? Like we cannot get Fat Tire here because of that reason and they are so anal about it that if it is on a truck that refrigerates it then that truck cannot even drive through our state even to deliver to another state. They actually have to drive around us!
whaaaaat. that's insane~!

i'll have to ask him what he has...i know that one time we had pizza so he scraped the cheese and meat off and ate that...and then go cranky sick. i felt bad :(
aww, poor guy. I haven't been on the diet all the long but apparently once you are on it you are way more sensitive when you have any and so they really warn you to watch for cross-contamination. Some people are insane with it though. Like, I joined this forum and some people quit eating anywhere besides at their own house and some have like seperate dishes from the ones their spouses use and seperate cabinets where they store their food. I don't think I'll ever do all that. Hopefully I won't anyway. What a pain.
at least you haven't lost any of your senses...i have another friend who hasn't been able to smell or taste for about 2 years now. it's so sad~!
:o That's rough. It seems like no big deal but if you really think about it that would completely suck. How come he can't taste or smell? Did something happen?
it's a huge mystery...they just stopped working. he's come to terms with it though...
Wow! So the doctor's have no explanation for it? I wonder if it was gradual or just one day he woke up and they were gone?
Originally posted by AmelieMellow@May 29 2006, 10:54 AM
melish: yesh i have those files...thanks :) i hope you are getting my lunchtime messages~!
Hmm you mentioned that last week too, but no I'm not getting any Yahoo messages from you.. I did get a voicemail last night though. :)

edit to close tags :duh:
Originally posted by dascoot@May 28 2006, 01:43 PM
Ooh it's like an homage to goddess worship. That from the bonfire too?
No, the lines were from some old light effects project I had in photography.
I finished my project....Hopefully I'll have pitchers in a few days.
My ginormous faerie is almost done but I can't find fake fur or doll hair any damn place so I can't bake it yet. :(