Things I Love...

Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Dec 16 2005, 05:42 PM
:o That is just the nicest thing I've ever heard. :P
:lol: I incubate eggs because I care.

Have fun with the books and the notes and the glyvennn.
I love opening a door for a woman, pulling out her chair at the dining table and always standing in respect when gets up to powder her nose.

Am I lame or what?
You can't imagine the weird looks I get when I do this. You would think the people at Denny's would appreciate a little class.

Seriously? Any time I've been around a guy that holds doors or whatever you can see the little hearts popping out of all the girls in the room.
I was mostly being facetious about getting weird looks, but I find it very rare that a gentleman stands whenever a lady departs or returns to a table.

It's just proper etiquette of you ask me.
It is very courteous and very super mega uberhot, but I'd never expect a guy to do it past the first few dates or so. Like I'd prolly smack my husband on the arm and tell him to sit his ass down if he stood every time I got up from the couch to go pee, ya know?
Well I eat on the couch. That's why I said that. No table to speak of, it's scattered with the guts of 2 different computers. <_<

But anyway, +7000 smexy points for being a gentleman. :wub:
Yes Sugarplum. Your Christmas present is gonna be late by the way. And also it's gonna be inexpensive and lame, sorry about that.
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 16 2005, 08:48 PM
Your Christmas present is gonna be late by the way. And also it's gonna be inexpensive and lame, sorry about that.
I just spit out my water!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Maybe if we can get a tourney goin, it's no fun getting my ass kicked by you.
Originally posted by a_iver@Dec 16 2005, 08:58 PM

Oh PLEASE Anthony, I've so missed having my ass handed to me, won't you do me a favor and butcher the high score that I've worked hard hustling noobs to earn?
You... do remember we were about even last time we played.. i think you might have even been ahead.