the happy thread

Weird, I was just watching this stupid show a few minutes ago and the guy started whistling and it started this whole conversation about how I can't whistle properly so I've had it on my mind.
I never tried that until now. But it's the same thing inward or outward.
If I position my lips and tongue to whistle inward, then stop and reverse the airflow.. nothing. It's weird.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 26 2006, 12:21 AM
...I can't whistle properly so I've had it on my mind.
I can't either. :(

:lol: :lol: You know what just came on? Bird's "First Song", whistling in the intro. :ph34r:
:lol: Something about whistling tonight, ladies. Maybe someone's givin us a sign. :ph34r:

Yeah it's weird I can't do it, because my mom can do that thing where she pinches her bottom lip and lets out this ear piercing TWEEEEEET!!

I remember bein at this wedding reception when I was really little, maybe 3, and I was on the dance floor just standing there amongst all the dancing adults with my bottom lip pinched letting out these FOOO FOOOO FOOOO noises. Some guy thought I was cute and came and scooped me up and danced with me and I remember being SO embarassed that he'd caught me tryin to whistle.
Ok so I realllly want one of those Chocolate phones. The advertising is working it's magic on me tonight. :unsure: What do we think? Yes or no?
Originally posted by leone@Aug 26 2006, 12:58 AM
It's the construction workers! :lol:
Hells yeah, I'ma go to Walmart later to get a new beanbean and they're gonna get some drive-by sexual hair-assment as a good-bye gift. :naughty:

Erin my love, it's still a capitalist society we live in, and I say go get your phone! Then take lots of pictures of it because I love gadgets.
Originally posted by sketchyrx+Aug 25 2006, 10:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sketchyrx @ Aug 25 2006, 10:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-a_iver@Aug 25 2006, 08:32 PM

:cry: i'm so bored
yes - bored...

Last nite I tried my best to log on under your name

but it didn't work

yet :lol: :lol: :lol: :ph34r: [/b][/quote]
riiiight. do enjoy.

why do you need a new phone?
Originally posted by a_iver@Aug 25 2006, 10:19 PM
why do you need a new phone?
I don't. I've had the same phone for what seems like a million years while everyone else gets to upgrade every 6 months.