The funniest thing I've seen today

That reminded me of Bam slappin the shit outta his dad while he's like on the john.
I just *had* to add this for today. thesurgeongeneral, I secretly stalk your blog, b/c you crack me up. I hope you don't mind! This was too funny to pass up. :lol:

Come see me
this is sad to say but i think thats what happened to me.. only i didnt save our chat on floppy and he didnt say brb :( Thanks xsystus i was over it until just now
Here's one I got in an e-mail awhile back. See if you can "walk the drunk home." Click the sign to start/restart. You won't be able to see your cursor, but if you move your mouse left and right, you'll get the hang of it. After lots of practice, I've made it up to 62 meters...
Okay, this one takes the cake! I was flipping through the channels on TV, and I came across this talk show called "Larry Elder." This Larry guy is like a counselor/Dr. Phil type who listens to your issues and gives advice. Anyway, check out this dude that was on the show! He's a real life walking, talking Disco Stu!