The Dead Zone


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I was just watching TV and a commercial for that show the "Dead Zone" came on. It had some nice piano music that I remember from the "Shattered Glass" Trailer. Anyone got any Ideas on what that music is?
Does anyone know what the song is playing in the Dead Zone commercial? I wasn't able to catch any words <_<
I found out what the song is it is Brace Yourself by Howie Day. Hope this is helpful for anyone else.
Does anyone know the song in the Dead Zone's commercial on USA Network. It's got a man singing and the words are "the room is full of strangers and i wish you were by my side" and then it cuts.

I was wondering if anyone knew the song playing on USA's Dead Zone has the line " room full of strangers..." that's all I can remember.

Could it be "The Apparition?" its by Iron Madien

Now I'm here can you see me
'Cos I'm out on my own
When the room goes cold tell me you can feel me
......'cos I'm here

Here I am, can you see me
Passing through, on my way
To a place I'd been to only in my dreams... before

In a world of delusion
Never turn your back on a friend
'Cause you can count your real true friends on one hand
...... through life

There are those that deceive you
There are those that'll let you down
Is there someone out there that would die for you
...... thought not

Live your life with passion
Everything you do, do well
You only get out of life what you put in
...... so they say

In a world of confusion
People never say what they mean
If you want a straight answer go look for one
...... right now

In a room full of strangers
Do you stand with you back to the wall
Do you sometimes feel like you're on the outside
...... looking in ?

You can make your own luck
You create your destiny
I believe you have the power if you want to
...... it's true

You can do what you want
If you try a little bit harder
A little bit of faith goes a long way
...... it does

Are we here for a reason ?
I'd like to known just what you think
It would be nice to know what happens when we die
...... wouldn't it ?

There are some who are wise
There are some who are born naive
I believe that there are some that must have live before
...... don't you ?

As for me, well I'm thinking
You gotta keep an open mind
But I hope that my life's not an open and shut case.

Extra Sensory Perception
Life After Death, telepathy
Can the soul live on and travel through space and time ?

You know I feel so elated
'Cause I'm about to find it out
And when I know all the answers
Maybe then I'll come back
...... to fill you in

You don't be alarmed now
If I try to contact you
If things go missing or get moved around
...... it's me

And don't disbelieve it
No matter what your 'friends' might say
We'll meet up again some place some way
...... one day.
thanks for the thought - but that's not it...i just found another thread - it's by my side INXS
Okay, that's one song down, but what about the other song that plays VERY briefly at the VERY end of the alternate commercial for this new DZ season? Maybe it's the same INXS song and I just haven't caught that for some reason, but I keep thinking it's a different song. Suggestions?

-"The Master"
Well, I can't resist bumping this thread. Sorry. I just need to know the name of that other dead zone promo song. Not INXS, the other one that sounds like classical music, sort of. Here's a link:

It's all over the flash video version of the ad that's playing in the middle of the page. Any takers? Anyone? ANYONE??

-"The Master"
I only remember the words repeating "In the dark of night"

Anyone know the song???
