so who bought the harry potter book last night?

Originally posted by givemfitz@Jul 16 2005, 08:58 PM
Ohhhhhhh. Frieeeeeeeeeeeendly BBQ. See I didn't get that part. I thought it was just the usual Springeresque white trash kinda one. I'da brung store bought critter if I'da knewed. Sorry :(
Yes. Well. "Sorry" doesn't un-impregnate my dog now DOES it. :angry:
Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 16 2005, 09:01 PM
Yes. Well. "Sorry" doesn't un-impregnate my dog now DOES it. :angry:
:o Is that true?!?!

:angry: You BASTARD!
Hey!!! You seen how that bitch was leadin' me on!!! An' me filled with Takillya'n all. I didn't stand a chance ah tell ya!!!
Yeah, that's what you said about the cow.....and the goat......and the sheep.....and the....
All true though. You know I'm irresistable. What's a boy ta do? :D :blush:
Wow there's a whole barnyard fulla amminals with Fitzy heads on em out there somewhere. :blink:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Jul 16 2005, 09:12 PM
All true though. You know I'm irresistable. What's a boy ta do? :D :blush:
Yeah <_< Just go to sleep...I got an idea.

:lol: @ Melissa
Nope. Ain't fallin' for it. That's what the dog implied with the way it was lookin' at me. An' lookit the trouble I'm in now. Ain't gonna happen twice in one day. ;)
And I bought it and now Fitz has knocked up the dog. It's a perfectly logical conversational progression..
Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 16 2005, 09:38 PM
And I bought it and now Fitz has knocked up the dog. It's a perfectly logical conversational progression..
:lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Enyone@Jul 16 2005, 10:18 PM
My mother in law cooks macaroni and pours just plain tomato sauce over em, like those tiny cans that you get when you're making chili or homemade skabetty sauce. It's not bad though. :)