So I was reading...


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Like I said I was reading an issue Men's Health which I like to call Men's Guide To Getting Into A Girl's Pants and speak of the devil there was a bunch of interesting facts that would aid a man in getting into a female's pants. The thing is I don't believe half the stuff they say, here is few facts/tips.

1. If the girl is drinking but not drunk yet and she is interested in you don't feed her more alcohol. Try to play some music and get her to dance, preferably mid to high tempo music. (believable)

2. Sex is better in the morning. Especially if you heat up some Banana Nut bread and let the aroma spread around. According to research the smell and taste of Banana Nut bread increases blood flow to the vagina. (Huh?)

3. If the girl's hands are always cold she is probably over stressed because women naturally focus their heat towards their core when they are stressed. To warm them up put your arms around their mid section. (I guess)

There was a bunch more stuff but I don't have the magazine, it belonged to one of my friends. Now ladies, do any these make sense to you?
1. This really depends on why she's drinking.. if she expresses an interest in you BEFORE she has that first drink and is only kickin em back to break the tension, or to cut loose, whatever.. then maybe. If you approach a woman who's already had something to drink and she's all over you, it might be the drink talkin and you might find yourself with a date rape rap the next mornin. Be careful with that one.

2. I don't know about sex being better in the morning, but I have read that thing about bananas. Haven't tested it out personally though. Conversely I've also heard that eating bananas makes a man's semen taste sweeter so it might just be, quite possibly, the world's perfect food after all. :ok:

3. If a girl's hands are always cold, it probably means she has poor circulation. Smoking does that. I know that fear does too but ongoing stress? Not sure. But I do know that arms around my mid section warm me up every time. :naughty:

PS My mom and I are the only girls I know that have warm hands. Every female hand I've ever touched has been icy and people are always commenting on how warm mine are which leads me to believe that I'm a bit of a freak. :ph34r:

The only thing that gets me aroused is.. well.....



Oh yeah and the three words you see in every issue of that magazine is "stimulate the clitoris". Yet hardly any guys do, 70% of women don't regularly orgasm because of it. :(
I wonder how accurate that number is.

It explain the Bible Belt anyway.
Another intersting statistic was the country with the highest percent of women who claim to have regular orgams when in engaged in sexual activity with a man is Italy, at like 70% or something. America was around 40% or 50%, Japan was the lowest at like 20%.

Btw, I'm 70% Italian. :naughty:
Originally posted by dascoot+Sep 12 2005, 12:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Sep 12 2005, 12:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-givemfitz@Sep 12 2005, 03:50 PM
Bananas make me ill. I love the bread though. ;)
*preheats the oven* [/b][/quote]
Gotta love a woman that preheats her own oven. :wub: :naughty:
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Sep 12 2005, 04:15 PM
Another intersting statistic was the country with the highest percent of women who claim to have regular orgams when in engaged in sexual activity with a man is Italy, at like 70% or something. America was around 40% or 50%, Japan was the lowest at like 20%.

Btw, I'm 70% Italian. :naughty:
Yay! American men are lame in the sack! :woo:
:( But you're not American

:lol: So true Mel, we need to write them out and make millions :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 12 2005, 12:25 PM
It's cause y'all don't listen to instructions.
I agree. My view is its all about her pleasure because guys pretty much are gauranteed pleasure no matter what.
Well that's why you should meet half way. Instead of getting yours off, find out what she likes. Vice Versa, cos the end result will be ten times better than imgained, you walk out of that with this :D cos you made her do that and she made you do this
The end -_-