Six Feet Under

There was an episode of Six Feet Under where the three Fisher kids sing "I'm A Lonely Little Petunia in an onion patch" to little Maya. I know Imogen Heap sings this on the soundtrack but, is this her song, one made up for the show, or one pasted down in families? I've never heard it b/f Six Feet Under, but it sounds like one of those old kid's songs pasted down from generation to generation. Any help? Thanks
When I did a little search, I saw that someone talked about singing that song in middle school in he 1940s. So it goes back at least that far.
Did some Googling for ya ...

Found this HBO Six Feet Under website

It says ...

In a dream, Nate gets advice from Lisa as a lonely little petunia.
Song: I'm a Lonely Little Petunia In An Onion Patch
Artist: Arthur Godfrey

I have just tried to find a *legal* sound sample, and for the life of me, I cannot come up with one, so, sorry ...

In the meanwhile ...
There you go.
Six Feet Under "Can I Come Up Now?"

So the HBO website says the piece for which I am searching, in the episode 'Can I Come Up Now?' (season five) is by Mozart and called Romance SNA 464. But searches for it have proven useless. Does anyone know enough about Mozart to tell me where to find it, or what it's ACTUALLY called?

Re: Six Feet Under "Can I Come Up Now?"

Yeah, that's it, season four. Any takers?

Re: Six Feet Under "Can I Come Up Now?"

I knew my years playing the horn would pay off someday.

I believe it is...Mozart's Horn concerto No.4 in E flat major, K.495 . Romanza. Andante cantabile
Re: Six Feet Under "Can I Come Up Now?"

No that's a different movement of the concerto. I'll see if I can find it on itunes. I have so many copies of it, I didn't look there.
Re: Six Feet Under "Can I Come Up Now?"

It is the 2nd movement. Itunes has several versions of it.
Yes, you have found it! Thank you so much! I've been trying to figure this one out forever. Thank you thank you thank you!
