Search Function

Yeah I don't understand what you're asking. I made a big deal about crossing out the Google search.
I'm confused. I'm under the impression when I activate the adtunes "button" under the search window, my search will be limited to the adtunes web site only, not the world wide web.. Additionally, if I apply additional limitations, for example, limit the search to the tv commercials only category, my search will be confined to the area within adtunes that lists only songs, etc found within the confines of that subcategory. Is that right or am I all mixed up (great possibility)?
Look for the words hip hop earnhardt on the screen shot. Put your search word in that box. Not the one with the red circle and exes that says Google next to it.
You're very very confused.

OK, Searching 101:

Remember when I said this?

Well it also has the option to search Adtunes, but really all that basically does is just do a google search for:

hip hop earnhardt adtunes
It means that using the Google search field, whether you click the "web" or the "adtunes" radio button, is going to give you a Google search result. The web option will search the entire internet for "hip hop earnhardt". The Adtunes option will give you the exact same thing, except its search criteria will be "hip hop earnhardt adtunes", or maybe "hip hop earnhardt", something like that. It's still a Google search. You're searching via Google.

That's why, in the screen shot, I crossed out the Google search function.

If you look at the screen shot, I have an asterisk next to the built-in Adtunes search function. I underlined "keyword" and "phrase" to emphasize that:

You can search for ONE keyword, like Earnhardt. Or you can search for an exact phrase, like hip hop. If you put in "hip hop earnhardt" it's gonna search through the entire site until it finds a post where the exact phrase "hip hop earnhardt" appears, and the only result you're gonna get is THIS thread where we keep saying "hip hop earnhardt".

Now keep in mind that the built-in Adtunes search and the Google search - the one with the Google logo next to it, regardless of which radio button you have selected - are completely separate from each other. The Google search gives you a Google search result, period. The Adtunes search is the one that can be narrowed down by time frame, specific forum, user name, etc. Changing all that stuff and then still typing your search words in the Google field is going to do nothing.

Now.. to see what we're trying to tell you, try duplicating what I did in the screen shot. Type the same words I did, select the same options I did for TV Commercial Music and searching for Any Date, then click the button that says "Perform the search". You will get one result, this thread.

NOW. Do the exact same thing, except type in either a keyword or an exact phrase. Try, for example, "Dale" as Fitz suggested. See the difference?
And remember that the adtunes search is very specific so if you use the word Earnhardt and the person who made the post misspelled it then it won't come up in your search. Not unless you misspell it also in exactly the same way. Hence the use of Dale or even Jr__ with two underscores because in the adtunes search box it must be at least four digits.
The best result just occurred. You gave me a good laugh with the very, very confused line. Thanks. I do understand the way the search functions have been engineered. They had to have been designed and constructed by a government IT-type. Gotta love it; thanks folks and now I may spend the remainder of the day searching! Thanks again. :P
When searching with "adtunes" in the url, if a person uses the "Search in child forums if sub category is chosen" option, does that option ad that particular subcategory to the overall search or should it be looking only for a stream of words which include that term. Example: I enter doodah in the search (google) window. I click on the adtunes radio button (see, I listen). I will only receive hits which have doodah and adtunes, theoretically. I then do the same and I select movie trailers. Will it then search for the three entries doodah, adtunes, movie trailer? If so, I suppose in a perfect world that doing that way would simulate my exampled desire to search only the movie trailer category within adtunes, right? I guess ya'll are pretty tired, huh?
Remember that the Google search is not connected to the stuff on the lower half of the screen. Selecting "movie trailers" will do absolutely nothing unless you're using the built-in search. Google is not affiliated with Adtunes.
:lol: Everything you said sounds right and speaking for myself......nahhhhhhh not tired. Glad to help. ;)
If you're asking if you can get the same results by using the Google function, selecting the Adtunes radio button, and typing "doodah adtunes movie trailers" into the Google search field as you would by typing "doodah" into the built-in search function and narrowing the search to movie trailers only.. then I don't know. Prolly not. I doubt both search functions use the exact same parameters.
Seemed to me that he was saying that he understood the difference although I didn't quite get a few of his references. Child forums? Three entries? But the meat of it seemed to say that he got it. Hard to say for sure. His wording is rather........wordy. :P
Wordy, wordy, wordy. The child bit came from the "Search Where" option located in the lower left corner of the search page. Did I ever tell you about............. :lol: :unsure: :P

Thanks a bunch! Bury me in the Bahamas.
:lol: :lol:

Ahhhh. Never really paid attention to that. I would imagine that it would allow one to include or exclude child forums in their search if there were such a thing here regardless of all other choices but since there isn't a child forum I'm thinking that it doesn't matter.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Feb 22 2007, 02:02 PM
:lol: :lol:

Ahhhh. Never really paid attention to that. I would imagine that it would allow one to include or exclude child forums in their search if there were such a thing here regardless of all other choices but since there isn't a child forum I'm thinking that it doesn't matter.
Computer file allocation terminology:

Parent: Main directory
Child: Subdirectories of the parent directory

...but then again you knew that all along so I'm wasting valuable time and space typing this while you waste the same reading it...

:rolleyes: :blink: <_< ;) :D