Release of Theme Park Music by Bruce Broughton


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go there and sign the petition lets show disney how much we want the music released, bruce broughton will let them if they want to i have spoken to him directly!!


227 sigs so far lets keep it up people show your disney spirit and broughton spirit too and lets just show those WDR execs what we REALLY want released! sign the petition and once it reaches a good amount of sigs its being printer and mailed off to wdr to show them what we are thinking and wanting! thanks to those of you have have already shown you support and signed!
the petition' signature count is currently at 373. i will be sending the printed out petition and letter i wrote as well as a letter my two good disney msuic friends wrote to walt disney records in burbank, california on monday january 8, 2007 via fedex. if anyone would like to have a letter sent to them along with the petition expressing their deepest want and need for a cd release of bruce broughtons theme park music. please contact me. thank you for caring and taking the time to sign those of you who did. if you haven't signed yet, pelase do and help me get this beautiful music released, take care all!
the petition' signature count is currently at 389. i will be sending the printed out petition and letter i wrote as well as a letter my two good disney music friends wrote to walt disney records in burbank, california once the signature count has reached 401 signatures! if anyone would like to have a letter sent to them, along with the petition, expressing their deepest want and need for a cd release, or digital downlaod release, of bruce broughtons theme park music. please contact me. thank you for caring and taking the time to sign, those of you who did. if you haven't signed yet, please do and help me get this beautiful music released, take care all!
come on people 12 more signatures please sign tell friends, post the link on sites you post at print it out and give it to people you see. advertise it on websites, etc.. lets get this msuic released. this is the hardest i've ever worked on anything to try to get soemthing released. i've put my heart and skills and knowledge and contacts to work to the max doing everything i can please help me out i am getting desperate trying to get this music. please udnerstand what i'm doing and take a minute out of your day and sign, for those of you who have thank you from the bottom of my heart. so far 389 people would buy a copy or even two of music from the aprks by bruce broughton, he is willing to release it on cd if walt disney records agrees to release it. so please send letters to walt disney records etc.. let the execs over there know what we want. take care all!
yey!!!! we did it the petition signature count has now reached 501 signatures. thank you very much everyone who signed it! I have printed the petition and letter i wrote and the letter my friend wrote and sent me and a track list a ride i made up and comments from the petition etc.. 36 pages total whew, i will be sending it via FedEx tomorrow to Walt Disney Records TTN: Randy Thornton. Please keep signing the petition those of you who haven't and please keep spreading the word about this petition. let's try and reach 1,000 signatures soon! Take Care all~ also please write you letters and mail them to walt disney records.
Well everyone, the petition was sent today to Walt Disney Records to ATTN: Randy Thornton - Executive Producer. So we shall see if I hear from him and what happens next, if anything! I will post any updates I receive, Take Care, and please keep signing and crossing your fingers ad everything else that you can cross until the next update... also the current signature count on the petition is 530 signatures good work people but lets keep going!
Randy Thornton has just informed me that he has received the petition!
the petition' signature count is currently at 610 and i have just been informed by Randy Thornton, that he has received my petition.
I have sent a letter to Ms. Ellen DeGeneres, to see what she can do to help get this music released, being as how she starred in Ellen's Energy Adventure and is on ABC. The current signature count is 656 signatures. Here is the link, again, to the petition, for those who wish to see the update with the text from the letter, I sent her!
I have received a letter from Mr. Randy Thornton at Walt Disney Records, it is
saddening to me, as well as others, I imagine. Please take the time to read the
letter thoroughly and post your thoughts on the forum for the petition! I will
continue to update the petition, when new updates arise. Thank
You to all who have signed and to those of you who will sign in the future. Thank
You and Take Care, All!

Please view the updated petition, with the letter posted on it at:
Quick Question To All Who Have Signed My Petition:

If Walt Disney Records agrees to this, would you (the signer) donate a certain amount of money to help pay for a release of either a CD or Digital Download of Theme Park music by Bruce Broughton? If you were guaranteed either a free copy of the release or a discount off the purchase of the release?

Please post either YES or NO, please keep it on topic and NO negative replies, Thank You, ALL!!!
Rather stupid that the theme park would need to buy them off Walt Disney Imagineering, ah but thats what happens when you liquidate a company and sell branches of it off to random Asian folk looking to make a buck