Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Okay, this is a weird question but what are some (beginner) job positions in a book store? Other than shelve books and cashier.
I would think that's about it, stocking or register.. maybe cleanup, if they don't have the other employees share in that (like dusting, vacuuming at night, etc).
Oh oh oh. I know.

Who is the person that tears the covers off of unsold paperbacks and throws them in the dumpster? Isn't there a stamp they have to use too? Something about this book has been disgarded by the publisher or retailer and don't pay anyone for it?

That's GOT to be entry level. ;) :P
Horrified at the environmental impact of such a thing I throw down my McDonalds bag full of wrappers, napkins, plastic utensils and a styrfoam cup and stomp away.
Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 1 2005, 01:43 AM
I hope you get a splinter when you poop em out. :P
Yeah and we mean that with love... :)

...naaahhh. :lol:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Jul 1 2005, 02:01 AM
:unsure: Ummmmm Hey. Look. Free Midol. *runs the other way*
Silly...there's no exits that way. *gets Sharpie* :devil: