Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

How can you set your computer to display other time zones around the world? I'm trying to have the time it is in Japan in the corner of the screen next to the regular time.
I don't know about XP but in Vista when you right click on the clock there is an option to adjust date/time. When you clock that a window pops up and there is a tab for additional clocks and you can have two clocks with separate time zones displayed.

*Edit* But apparently you have to hover over the time to see the other clock.
:huh: K That was weird... I quickly scrolled up from the bottom of the page then suddenly halted because my mind told me it saw the word 'intercourse' somewhere... and I couldn't find it and thought I was insane, until I figured out it was Leone's sig... I need sleep :lol:
heh............yeah :rolleyes: Homos are just..............ghhhhhhheeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy.
What did the Deadhead say when he ran out of pot?

This band sucks.

That one was for you Andy, wherever you are...
Just finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy again... always sad when it's over :(
3 times even :( But the vet said it's most likely not very deep yet and he can operate so...